It's just us now. (Part 10 1/2)

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"My leg couldn't stop shaking,  it was bouncing up and down.  It was an exciting thing I'm doing,  I'm going to see Bad!  This plane makes me anxious, I can't wait!  What if he thinks I'm ugly?  Or rude?  What if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore?!   Oh god, this could either make it or break it!  Come down, come down, you should get some rest before the flight lands..."

Zak snapped into reality.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Dream yelled,  "You could've got us killed!"

Anger filled through Skeppy's body, if he was going to get mad, why didn't he just leave him?

"I was fine with you guys leaving me,"  Skeppy spoke out.

"But we would be killing you!" George cried, he was in a state of sadness and fear.

"WELL, MAYBE I WAS FINE WITH THAT!"  Skeppy screamed.

"Zak, you know the more of us there is, the higher chance we have of living,"  Dream replied, his voice was calm, which made Skeppy out-raged  "We had to leave Bad."

This made Skeppy furious, that was the last of it.  This whole time he was trying to keep everyone happy, but he was done.  He always tried to keep it light-hearted, but when his best friend dies, they want him to leave him?!


This made everyone freeze, George was quite upset that what Zak said was infact true.  Dream knew Zak was right, but he didn't let his guard down.  Skeppy anger burned in his skin,  he was so mad.

"Let's just get to the next challenge."  Dream said in a stern face.

*~ 🍵~*

They walked into a room with white walls.  Although other rooms were old and grimy, this was different.  It was futuristic and clean, blue squares all around the area.  'This place is so cool!' Skeppy thought, he was going to say but remembered their argument.  He started searching around, but nothing was found.

Game Host: Well, well, well, Skeppy, Dream, George and-

The rooms were quiet once again,  they all had a pitiful expression on their face.

Game Host: Oh my!  Bad isn't here??? Such a shame, he was my fav.  If I'm going, to be honest...  I was pl3nning on killing off George!

George: W-What!?

Game Host: It's true!  But, I should have known he would sacrifice himself, even if you are all horrible to him.

Dream: Shut up! We weren't Bad sacrificed himself for us and you are going to talk about him like that?!

Game Host: Tat-Tat-Tat-Tat, you aren't in charge are you?  Just for that...

Dream's face went pale, George held his arm closer, not wanting to lose his other best-friend.

Game Host: HAHAHAHA! You should have seen your FACES!  That was hilarious!  Ahhh, I would kill you off, but I need all the contestants I can get...  The show can't end yet!

Skeppy: So... Nobody's gonna die?

Game Host: Oh heavens no! Each challenge will ALWAYS have slaughter!  Is just how the cookie- no, The muffin crumbles, Skeppy.


Game Host: Okay, so the game is simple, no death.  Well, the pain will be inflicted by this person.  And they'll be stuck here for their entire life.  You are gonna put these VR sets on and have some fun things in the game.

(Hello Reader!  I have never been a huge fan of cliff-Hangers even with being the writer. Though I bother to add more to this chapter!  I needed to get myself in the right mind set for writing since I started school again, but ehhhh.  So, see ya!)

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