I'm so sorry... (Part 9)

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(Bad's POV)

I'm such a horrible friend.  If I didn't plan the meetup, we would all be safe.  I'm the reason they're all dead.  I put all my friends in danger, and for what? Just to meet up with Skeppy?   I'm so selfish.  they should be alive right now.  I should be dead.  I'm going to get everybody killed, even my best friend.  I'm a murderer, I'm terrible.  

Skeppy: Hey, Bad are you okay?

Bad: Of course Skeppy!  Let's get going, we need to try to escape.

Skeppy: Uhhh, okay... Let's go guys.

We walked down a disturbing hallway. It reminded me of an hospital, but felt like a warehouse.  Though, there was, I'm hoping red pant plattered everywhere.  It gave you not a creepy feeling, but that you are alone and everything that's bad is your fault.  Or maybe that just me?    

(3rd person POV)

After walking down that Hallway, they found out selves in a fancy room.  It looked like an old library they show in those detective 90's movies.  Their was a glass box with a knife in it on a table.  It scared me a bit.  

George: Hey, I found a disc!  How are we gonna play it though?

Dream: George do you not know what this is?

George: Uhhhh.... no.

Dream: It's a old record player

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Dream: It's a old record player.

George: Uhhh, how do I play the music?

Dream: Ugh, give it to me!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEcMndeQ1mw   *I don't have any classical music for it to play so I have to improvise*

Skeppy: What?! Listening to that crap didn't help us at all!

Bad: First of all, Laugauge. And second of all don't any of you watch the movies?

All expect Bad: No.

Bad: mmmph, You have to play it BACKWARDS!

Dream: Ohhh, that would make sense.

After a few minutes of Bad playing the music dics backward, he could hear, "Hello, contestants! I see your smart enough to look around your surroundings!  So, to get out of this room, some blood must be shed!  Don't worry, your friends don't have to do it.  You do, you must kill yourself with what's in the room.  Good luck!  Also, you're on a timer, this room is filling up with poisonous gas :) "

Bad looked around the room, taking a long look at each of his friends.  'This is how I could restore myself.' He thought.  It was a gruesome task, but anything for his friends.  He scanned the room for anything sharp of dangerous.  He got up and started looking through the books, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

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