Team Work (Part 7)

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(??? POV)

A6D had some nerve throwing a piece of trash at me.  Like come on, your life is on the line and you are really going to have the person who gets to decide if ya live or not mad?   It doesn't matter anyway, I had no plans for him.

"Aye happy helpers,"  I called out " get rid of this nuisance." 

I could see the color drain from his face when I said that.  To be honest I didn't really like it when people died.  so I turned off my camera.  All I heard after that was a lot of screaming and crying and blood-spattered.  I didn't really care.  I was gett bored with this, and they needed to have a challenge.   

"Alright, Let's get this party started!  So your challenge issssss... Oh! You guys will go to groups of two.  One person will complete a task first.  If the other person can complete it, then you live.  I not... Ehhhh, we don't need to go into that." I spoke, " Now... Get into your groups!"

(Nobody's POV)

Dream and George went into a group.

Mega and Zelk said they would be a team.

Bad and Skeppy fought over it, but they were in a team.

And Technoblade And Finn were left to be a group.

The "Happy" helpers, lead each on of them into a different room.  each room was filled with levers and buttons.  Their was a glass wall in the middle and a light bulb.  Their tasks was to get the light bulb to light up before the timer ran out.  What timer? The sick and twisted person who was running this "show" had a pocket watch, and she was going to time everything.


Mega and Zelk were ready.


Dream and george already were planning it out.


Bad and Skeppy were already arguing, but knew they would finish.


They all started off with their tasks.  One side of the room was filled old machinery while other side was filled with books and maps.  Dream and george were ver yfast at this and were the first to finish.  It took some time for Zelk and Mega since they weren't talking.  Zelk found it hard going up to the glass wall just to see his hands then walk all the way back.  Bad and Skeppy started fighting half way through, but managed to finish. They were still mad at eath other though.  

That would leave Technoblade and Finn.

Technoblade seem to be finishing his tasks and an alarming rate.   Finn, not so much.  The timer and pressure was getting to him.  The world seem to spin and time was speeding up.  It felt like everyone was watching him, poniting and laughing.   He barely figured out the first tasks, let alone the second.  How was he going to finish five of these things?!  Techno finished way before Finn, and wasn't very helpful to him.

"Finn, what the heck is taking so long?!" Techno screamed.

"I-I'm trying okay!" Finn said shakily.

"FINN, WE DON'T HAVE FOREVER!"  Techno shreiked. 

Finn wasn't doing well in the head.  He was zoning out, his vision was getting blurry from tears.

"I'M TRYING TECHNO I'M TRYING THE- THE- THE W-WIRES AREN'T WORKING!!!"  Finn was yelling as he cried.

He stopped working, he stopped everything.  He couldn't see anything,  it felt like the walls were closing in on him.

He stopped working, he realized that the timer was going off.

"Tis tis tis," She spoke out, "Your time is up.  Now I would send my Happy helpers, but Techno could kill them in a instand.  So, you will drown!  Or get electrocuted, what ever kills you first."

George was the first to see the water spill in.  Finn was now freaking out.  Techno was yelling at Finn for not finishing.   The others were excorted out to another roof filled with pods.   They could hear Finn's muffled screams while being drowned.  Tht was the end of the great Technoblade and F1NN5TER. 

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