Who lives, Who dies ( THE FINALE!!! )

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(Nobody's POV)

The Game Host brought the two boys into the arena.  There were bones scattered around as the whole place smelled of rotten flesh.  Who was in here before them?  It didn't matter, nothing matter anymore.  Everyone is going to die,  George and Dream had no hope left.  As she leads them into a small room filled with bottles and barrels.  

Game Host:  Here drink this.

She handed Dream to bottles as he passed one to George.

George: Why should we?

Game Host:  Because Dream already did.

George: Dream?!

Dream: Sorry, I wasn't thinking!

George quickly chugged the bottle of liquid, then feeling a slight pain in his head. As he saw Dream fall to the ground, maybe him drinking this wasn't the best choice he's made.


As George woke up on the ground in a new area he had never seen, almost looking like a picture of an Arena in Greek mythology.  He had armor on as he held a sword, what was happening?  He looked at his surroundings to find he was in a cage, while another person was in his front just like him.  

Before he could take anything else in, the jail bars the once kept him hostage started to left up.


As the two young Youtubers woke up, they found themselves in cages.  They looked around their surroundings to see a stadium filled with blinding lights that wouldn't let them see past them.  All they heard around them was the constant cheering of people.  Real people?  They would never know.  George looked past those huge details to see the ground they were on had a chest next to the iron bars and a few parkour obstacles.  He didn't have the slightest clue until he heard the booming voice coming from the middle of this hell hole.  

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FRIENDS AND FOES, WELCOME TO THE ONE IN THE LIFETIME CHANCE TO WATCH THE GREATEST FIGHT OF ALL TIME!  IF YOU THOUGHT DREAM VS TECHNO WAS IN-TENSE, YOU BETTER BUCKLE UP FOR GEORGE VS DREAM!!!" The voice echoed through the fighting grounds.  The cheers from the stands drowned out their voice, it started to hurt George's ears.  Before they had time to even react, the cage's doors opened, and they were allowed to roam.  Another voice spoke, but not as loud as the speaker, "Now dream and George, you have to fight or...  we'll kill your family as well."  The speaker made an ear bleeding noise before stopping to talk.  George and dream were now left to fight.  The two best friends, now enemies.  Both guys got their equipment out of the chest and put it on.  Was this the end?  Would they have to fight to see how would make it out?  

(Dream's POV)

I can't do this.  I won't do this.  George is one of my closest friends.  So many people have died, I can't bear it anymore.  Coming out of this would be like killing everyone I know and love without any consequences.  

Do it.                                              Do it.                   Do it.                         Do it.                Do it.

               Do it.              Do it.                                          Do it.                          Do it.  Do it.

Do it.                Do it.                  Stop it, stop, please.                 Do it.           Do it.              Do it.

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