A shriek (Part 4)

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(Mega's POV)

 Zelk and I went through the iron door, it lead us to a room looking like an artificial outside.  Having shrubs and a painting night sky on the roof of it. The shrubs were placed weirdly like a maze.

"Well" said the speaker, "So far most of you guys are still alive. So, my show hasn't been doing the best.  I've decided that I want more of you guys dead!  So, welcome to my maze, it's like any other maze just, a maniac trying to kill you!" 

My heart sank when she said that.  I didn't even know who was still alive and who was here.  I was blinking back my tears, trying not to cry.  "Hey it will be alright," Zelk told me "We'll make it out of here."

"Why who I have cameras around the maze, you have 20 minutes to escape everybody still in the maze will perish. Your timer starts....  NOW!"

(??? POV)

I was so bored for the past hour. Nobody was killed, and all the did was mourn for that Tommy guy. He didn't seem that important to be honest. I mean, it's not MY fault he wanted to save his friend. Ughhhhhhh... I'm so bored on rambling I just wanna see somebody die.


Camera 1:

>A6D< Bye you son of a gun, I'm leaving you to die.

>SapNap< What?! Don't you think we should stay together?

>A6D< I'd rather die then spend anymore time with you.


*>They walk out of the screen<*

Tsk, tsk, Welp, which one to die first... Hmmmm, SapNap seems to be more of a expandable character then A6D. Plus, A6D seem to have more of a temper. 

Camera 2: 


>Skeppy<  Yes bad?

>Bad< Skeppy I'm scared, I don't want to die!

>Skeppy< Don't worry bad, we'll make it out together. I promise!

A promise? I guess that will be broken.  Gosh, I wonder when Tubb- the killer will start going into action!

(Skeppy's POV)

Bad and I were walking down the halls of the bushes.  Bad seemed to be very fragile right now, so we made sure we kept a good look out so nobody could sneak up on us.  It seemed like an eternity until, we heard somebody shriek on the other side of the maze. We stopped, I didn't know who the scream came from, but Bad did. His face went pale, he started to shake.  

Skeppy: Bad, bad! Are you good?

Bad: I- It- t-tha-at w-was...

He didn't look well.  He looked like someone who was about to meet their demise.

Bad: T-that was, Sapnap...

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