Almost out (part 5)

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(Bad's POV)

I was roaming the maze, trying to find the way out.  Skeppy and I went separate ways to cover more ground.  Both our phones were on good percentages so we could call each other if we find our way out.  I was walking around for a while, until I saw Zelk.  he had tears rolling down his face.

Bad: Zelk?! Are you aright?!

So, bad, Sapnap, me and skeppy were here...

Zelk: B-bad! I-I need y-y-your help!  I-I wanted to s-split u-up  with M-mega!

Bad: Zelk, Zelk! hey, buddy I'm right here. Tell me what's happening.

Zelk: I-I told Mega and m-me to split u-up... I c-can't f-find him anywhere!

Bad:  Hey! It's alright we'll find him come on, let try to find him.

We started walking with each other for a good 10 minutes.  I could see on Zelk's face he was worried about mega a lot. I was too, I was worried for everyone.  We were stuck in a dead end, although Zelk was looking at something through the leaf walls.  We stopped, "Zelk? Are you okay?" I called out to him.  He dashed through the wall of leaves.  I tried to follow him, but he was two walls in front of me.  I honestly didn't know why he was running until, I saw Mega.

He was surronded by a puddle of blood and s a knife stuck in his shoulder.  Zelk was hovering over his body hugging him.

(Mega's POV)

My vision was blurry, I could barely see what was in front of me.  I couldn't remember what happen, expect the kid with brown hair He seemed to be crying but then left me to die. I shooed my thoughts away to see Zelk in front of me, crying.

"I'm so sorry, Mega. I should have listened..."

My eyes felt so heavy, I could barely see anything.  This was it, this is where death catches up with me.  It's the end.  I'm so sorry, Zelk. If only I had time...

(Zelk's POV)

It's all my fault, I should have stayed with him. I should have listened.  I'm so foolish, he's going to die because of me. I'm the reason Mega's going to die.  I won't even be able to tell him...

Bad pushed me out of the way before I could finish my thought.   He looked mega up and down then got something out of his bag.  I couldn't see what happened after,  my eyes hurt from crying.  we sat in silence for a moment until bad spoke up.

"We need to find the exit, he's lost a lot of blood. Though he's stable, we should start leaving."  bad said.

I nodded, I felt so much guilt.  But I need to move forward.  For mega.

loooooooooooooool time skip

(George's POV)

Dream and I were pretty near the end of the maze. I could see where the exit was.  I was so glad to finally see who was here with us!  We ran to the exit to see A6D, technoblade and Finn.  They all looked worried.  We sat in a corner of the room, trying to collect ourselves.  

George: Where do you think Sapnap is?

Dream:  I don't know... Let's hope we see him soon.

We sat there for a while, I don't know when, but fell asleep.

Until we heard a huge bang.  I didn't what it was but I saw Skappy, bad, and Zelk.  I asked Dream when the entered.  He told me they just appereared.

"So, you're probably wondering why they are here." Somebody told us up from the walls " Well, they were taken too long and I'm SoooOOOOoOoOOOo bored. "  She was started walking down.    I saw something be thrown at her. but she start to... glitch out?  I found out she wasn't actually there, it was a hologram.  I could see the regret in the face of A6D.  He just threw his bandana at the person who could have killed him.

"Wowwwwww A6D you have some angry issues." she spoke out " Well, Karma's a B****"

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