White room (Pt 2)

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                                   (A6D's POV)

Ugh... My head hurt, It felt like it was just hit by a bull-dozer. Let me tell you, that is not a pleasant feeling.  I decided to get up from the floor of a white room covered in fluff. I saw Sapnap lying on the floor too.  'Great' I thought to myself Out of all the people I had to get stuck with it had to be him?!?!  It's not like I had a real problem with him, except that he was annoying, disruptive, rude, and was the dream team version of me!  I was the third wheel, not him!  I was already annoyed with this presence, i wanted to get my mind off him before I strangled him.  I looked around the room, there wasn't much but a white iron door and a tv screen.  I looked over at Sapnap and he was awake

(Btw they're talking, it's just easier to write it like this)

Sapnap: W-what happened?!

A6D: Get up you idiot, make yourself useful, and help me find a way out.

Sapnap: Jeez dude, no wonder why nobody likes you...

What did he just say?! This guy Wears a ninga belt on his head and he's gonna come after me?!?

A6D: Well, at least I have friends!

Sapnap:  What the heck did you just say to me?!

A6D: I think you heard me pretty well!


We stopped arguing because we heard a noice, it was coming from the screen.  This is going to be interesting...

   (Finn's POV)

"Hello there contestants!"  the TV was screaming at us, "You might be wondering, what are you doing here?  Well let me explain! I've brought you all here for a game show! You will go through many tasks and puzzle to be the sole survivor!   In every puzzle there will be a challenge after, two will be picked, one will come out.  So let's start!"

A little table was shoved through the door by some white character, wearing a body suit.  It was weird and I honestly didn't want to be here anymore.

"Okay, so on the tables you four cards, two of them a 'tubbo' on it ant the other has 'Tommy' on it!   You get to pick who lives, and if you think I'm bluffing..." The screen showed Tommy and Tubbo tied up to electric chairs " You will see both of them die."

I was petrified, Technoblade and I were in this room so who else was here with us?  This isn't minecraft this is real life.  We couldn't spawn back like any other game, this sicko was making us chose who we want to live or die. 

(Techno's POV)

Just by looking at me I was calm, but really, I was freaking out. I had to chose which kid I want to live. I've always joked about killing orphans, but these are kids, with parents, and I know them!  I was terrified, but I couldn't let Finn see that.  "Tick-tock," That psycho  mocked us, "Time is not on your side gamers."

(They are talking mkay?)

Techno: I'm choosing Tubbo.

Finn: What?!?!

Techno:  I'm. choosing. Tubbo.

Finn: Why though?!

Techno: I don't know him as much as Tommy, and frankly I don't care about him.

Finn: Okay... I- I'll choose him too...

Finn: He probably won't get picked anyways...

(Tubbo's POV)

I was stunned, paralyzed with fear, this... psycho was playing with our life like a toy! I couldn't let my best friend to die, even though he acts like a Bish sometimes.  I shouldn't let him die! She untied us and let us chat for a moment. "So, you guys have a choice" he requested "I'll talk to you both one on one with you guys. If you don't want the other to die... I don't know sacrifice yourself for the other? I honestly don't care."

He seemed so calm about this. Well, it wasn't his life on the line.  I just wanted to get out of here and go home.

(Chit chat)

Tubbo: Okay, I think we should just let our friends pick..

Tommy: ....yeah...

Tubbo: You think we're ready?

Tommy: Yeah I think so...

(??? POV)

Me: Okay so are we ready?

Tubbo: Yes..

Tommy: Uh huh...

He looked like he was thinking about something. What a pity one of their life was about to end! Well, it's up to the contestants really, so it's not my fault. Let's hope they're likable!

*- The first time skip brought to you by ??? -*

(Dream's POV)

After we chose, George went to a corner of the room.  I wanted to asked what was wrong with him, but I needed to figure out who trapped us and why?  Had to think of all the enemies I've made... The person on the speaker said there was more of us, though never said who was here. Then it hit me.  "It couldn't be..." I yelled.

"W-what did you say?" George called out.

"We need to get out of here. And fast" I shouted.

I sat there for a good minute until the screen turned on again. "Contestants!" It played "We have counted up all your votes and we have come to the conclusion..."

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