A shriek (Part 6)

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(mega's pov)

I heard a cry terrible cry from help.  Zelk and I were together trying to find our way out when we heard it.  It seemed so close, so close that it could've been us screaming.  I darted away from our original spot trying to be the last one found by that killer.  

Zelk: Okay.. this might not be a good idea but... I think we should split up

I shook my head

Zelk: Look! you can stay here and I'll find the exit okay?

Before I  could say anything, he left me, alone.

This wasn't good. I was alone.  The killer could easily kill me, I'm weak. I'm such a weak person, a coward.  I can't even leave Zelk's side.  No wonder nobody likes me. I'm a waste of space.  

It seemed that the leaf walls were closing in on me.  I felt stuck, helpless and pathetic.  I sat down to try and conserve space.  My heart was racing, is this really how I'm going to die? Crying in a maze, without anybody to save me.

It hit me. It hit me so hard. My shoulder felt a sharp pain.  I was frozen in fear.  

My shoulder hurt so much as I turned my head. It was the killer.

I was scared. I got up as fast as I could and ran. I ran as faster as I could.  When I looked back, I could see the killer was smaller  than I thought.  As I was I realized I was going to run into a dead end.   Shhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I ran smack in to the wall.  

He stopped, holding a bloody knife.  His eyes were black, emotionless.  His closed his eyes and...

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