Introduction: Welcome Back

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Reader's Point of View

It had been ten years since the downfall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the Potter boy would soon be going to Hogwarts and Dumbledore wanted me to be there when he did, due to my connection to his parents. Lily and James were extremely good friends of mine and the news of their death made me move away, secluding myself from others even more.

Yet looking down at the letter, I couldn't bring myself to say no to Albus's request and Isighed, writing back a quick and short;

'I will be at the castle two weeks prior to the start of term. See you then.

Sincerely, (First Name) (Last Name).'

Sending my owl off, I looked around my apartment and waved my wand, things beginning to pick up quickly. Walking into my room, I looked at the pictures of my friends and myself from when we were at Hogwarts. The pictures smiling back at my and moving according to what was going on in the picture. In one particular picture, the marauders were dancing Lily and myself around.


"Come on, (Y/N)! You've to get in the picture too!" Sirius yelled, making me shut my book and glare at him, quietly.

"I don't have to do anything, Black. . .Or must I remind you again?" I replied, raising a brow at him and making him sweat drop. Putting his hands up in mock surrender, he practically ran away and I opened my book, going back to my reading.

A few minutes later, I heard soft footsteps and I looked up, ready to yell at Sirius again. However, this time it was Lily smiling down at me and I huffed, placing my book on the ground. Standing up, I dusted myself off and went over to the group, hearing loud, victorious hollering due to Lily getting me to come over. Remus smiled at me and nodded, not wanting to feel my wrath. The wrath which Sirius and James were about to feel.

"I told you our darling Lily could get (Y/N) to come around." James stated proudly, wrapping an arm around her waist. When Sirius went to mirror the gesture with me, I glared at him and warned,

"If you wish to keep that arm, I suggest you keep it to yourself." Remus chuckled and I could feel eyes on us from far away, making me glance around. Before I could find who was watching us, Sirius flung himself at me and twirled me around, making my face flush. Remus was just laughing and Lily was with James, doing something similar with more grace.

When I got free of Sirius, I chased him until he couldn't run anymore and the only thing that stopped me from strangling him was Remus prying me off of his friend.

Flashback End

Smiling, I shook my head and packed that picture, first.

By the end of the week, I was ready to go and on my way out, I felt a tightness in my chest. I was nervous about going back to Hogwarts after all this time. When I got outside, I locked my door and grabbed my things, disapparating from my house and apparating in Hogsmeade.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)!" The cheerful voice of Albus Dumbledore greeted me, making me smile.

"Hello, Headmaster." I replied, setting my things on the ground and shaking his hand.

"Shall we?"

Nodding, I went to pick up my things and noticed that he had already whisked them away, making me sigh.

"So, what will my position be?" I asked, as we began walking towards Hogwarts and he chuckled, teasing,

"Always business. Can't we have a casual conversation first?"

"Headmaster, I've never been one for casual."

"Please, (Y/N). You can call me Albus, we're equals after all."

"Well, I wouldn't quite say we're equals. You're much stronger than me."

"I'm flattered, (Y/N). I am quite old, though. You're one of the stronger ones in your generation."

". . ."

"I know what's going through that head of yours. Don't do that to yourself, (Y/N)."

"Albus. . ."

I stopped walking, we were near the gates of the school and he stopped, waiting on me to continue,

"I was suppose to be at dinner with them that night. They were so tired of being secluded and I promised I'd be there. If I wasn't late, then maybe-"

"You'd be dead too." He interrupted, grabbing one of my shoulders and giving me a stern look, as he continued,

"You and Severus were able to alert us to the boy. We were able to keep him safe for all this time, due to the both of you."

'Severus. . .' I thought, hugging myself and trying to get his expression from that night out of my head. I could never forgive him for hurting Lily, but I knew just how much he loved her. Seeing him, the man with the heart of coal, break was difficult.

". . ." Staying quiet, we began walking again and I repeated my question from earlier, being done with the causal conversation,

"What will my position be, Albus?"

". . .You'll be a NEWT potions teacher with Severus."

"!! What? There was no other position available?"

"I figured you'd take it well. You will only have one class a week and the other days you can go assist, whoever needs help or wants your help. Everyone is excited about your return."

"Everyone, huh?"

"There many be a few exceptions."

"One exception, I'm guessing."

"Can't you and Severus be friends?"

"Fat chance."

"(Y/N). . ."

"Thank you for the talk, Albus." I cut him off, as we got to the entrance for the Great Hall. Walking away, I went down to the kitchens and many of the other teachers were there, talking. Grabbing a piece of bread, I cleared my throat and all eyes were on me.

"(Y/N)! Welcome back!" McGonagall exclaimed, pulling me into a hug and I stiffened, hesitating. When she pulled away from me, she smiled and apologized, softly. Flitwick told me about some charms he'd want me to explain to the incoming first years, Sprout told me about some new plants she had cultivated since I left, and Hooch insisted I join her on the pitch sometime this year. In the corner, I could feel a snake's glare at me and catching his eyes, I was right. Forcing a smile, I decided against talking to him and not long after, I told everyone I was heading to bed.

On my way upstairs, I heard someone clear their throat. Turning, I was met with Severus's stone cold glare and permanent frown.

"What do you want, Snivellus?" I snapped, going to walk up the stairs and he shot back,

"I just want to warn you, I do not take kindly to people trying to run my classroom. So, don't even try it."

"I wouldn't even dream of helping you, so don't flatter yourself."

"Helping me?"

"I could teach you a thing or two, if I so pleased."

"I see you haven't changed a bit! You're still just as arrogant as ever."

"You know as well as I do, Snivellus. . .I'm better than you at many things."

"Maybe you use to be, (Y/N). Wouldn't bet on it now." Whipping around, I held my wand to his cheek and growled,

"I have never been one to be trifled with, Severus. Do not try me." His eyes flashed and he backed off, scoffing before heading downstairs. Frowning, I picked up my wand and headed to my room.

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