Chamber Of Secrets: Part One

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The summer went by much the same as the previous...Vivid visions that only got worse as the start of term was coming up. 

The chamber of secrets, open again. For the first time in fifty years. Muggle born students being attacked. Danger. Pain. Anger. Darkness. Tom Marvolo Riddle. Red hair. Parseltongue. Harry Potter. That fool Gildroy Lockhart. Polyjuice potion.

"Honestly, I should be worried with how often you have visions now." Minerva's voice pulled me out of my daze, making me look up and quirk a brow, as she continued,

"You'll go blind with how little color your eyes have in those moments."

"Please, Minerva. I'd have to be having a vision for hours for it to affect my eyes." 

"Yet, you can barely stand and you start to have a fever. I've also noticed that it isn't just flashes anymore...Your visions are increasing in length." 

"...You don't think I've noticed that?" 

We were sitting next to the Black Lake, I was going over lesson plans and Minerva was looking at the schedules for the teachers, frowning,

"I'm going to have a word with Albus about this nonsense." 


"He's moved your Newts potions to Fridays."

"I don't see-"

"The classes you will be helping with are second years." 

"Don't bother Minerva." Severus' voice came, calmly. He was approaching us with a deep scowl on his face and I raised a brow, in silent question. 

"I've already tried and failed to convince the Headmaster to stop this nonsense." 

"Come now, Severus. I'll be fine. I'm not weak." 

"I'm not insinuating that you're weak, darling. But when your visions are only getting more frequent, it poses a threat that I just can't ignore." 

The name that fell from his lips so carelessly rendered me mute and I was left floundering for a response, but he didn't seem to notice. Minerva did, however, her brow raised in question and I shot her a glare, making her huff. She handed me my schedule and my brows shot up, as I asked incredulously,

"Gilderoy Lockhart is the defense against the dark arts teacher this year?! That fool is in no way qualified!"

"Yes, well. Albus must have his reasons." Minerva muttered, a light blush dusted her cheeks and I rolled my eyes, 

"Don't tell me you, actually, fancy that narcissistic fool, Minerva?" 

"He's...nice to look at." 

"He's an idiot."

"And how would you know?"

"I...may have dated him...for a little while." 

"You what?" Severus hissed, bringing our attention to his stiff posture and narrowed gaze. Taking in his appearance, I raised a brow and could swear the air around him was tinted green.


"Yes, well. It wasn't for more than two weeks and it was awful." I replied, massaging my neck and going to stand up, wobbling slightly. Severus steadied me and his hostile aura went away as quickly as it came. 

"It's old news, anyway. We should be heading up to the castle, before the feast." We all walked together in silence, Minerva leaving us as soon as she realized the time and Severus letting me go, when we were close enough to the castle. 

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