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Two weeks later, I had settled in nicely and had everything in order for the start of term. The only person who still had an issue was Severus, of course.

Today, I was getting a lesson plan approved by Albus and Severus came into the office, exclaiming,

"She gets my NEWT class all to herself?! I'm suppose to merely sit by and watch?!"

"You're there to monitor her, due to her condition."


Glaring at Albus, I began to protest,

"It isn't your place to-"

"I thought that you knew of (Y/N)'s special abilities." Albus started, not listening to me and I sighed, grabbing my pieces of parchment. Severus' gaze fell on me and he raised a brow, expecting an explanation. Glaring at the pair of men in front of me, I scowled and fussed,

"Go on, Albus! Finish telling him why I need to be monitored, especially with Harry coming next year. I'll be in my office when you're finished, I don't have time for this." As I went to leave, Severus stood in the doorway and whispered,

"I feel it's only right you should tell me about your situation. Unless, you truly don't care."

"Aw. What's this? Ole Snivellus is going soft. I'm not fragile, do what you wish. I moved away to not have to be bothered by my condition. Don't expect me to tell you about something I never mentioned to anyway except for a select few. One of which isn't you."

My comments made him scoff and turn, leaving Albus and I alone.

Turning around, I glared at Albus and he chuckled, nervously, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I do not need to be monitored while Harry isn't here. It shouldn't be an issue!"

"But with his magic coming into effect this year, (Y/N), you may have to be."

". . ."

Looking at the clock behind him, I huffed and informed him,

"I have to finish setting up before the students arrive. McGonagall insisted we have lunch together."

"I'll come with you!"

"Not today Albus. I don't know if I'll be able to not take your head off."

Leaving his office, I went to my office and put away all my things, to get ready for lunch. Looking at the pictures on my desk, family and friends made me remember why I didn't tell anyone of my condition. Leaning against my desk, I sighed and remembered when my closest friends at Hogwarts found out.


I was sitting with the marauders and Lily at dinner one evening. Prongs looked at the time, then at the other two boys, nodding. As they got up to leave, I raised a brow and Lily told me not to ask.

"Long story." She told me, then went back to eating. Later that night, we were in the common room and I was about to take a sip of tea when the vivid images filled my head.

James, Sirius, and Peter were all animagi to aid Remus during his transformation. Remus was a werewolf. I saw the boys all transform and then Remus' stages of transformation. I felt his pain and emotions, his fear.

"(Y/N)!" The vision cleared and I was met Lily's very worried face.

"What just happened?" She asked, as I went to pick up the pieces of my tea cup with trembling hands.

"Long story." I replied, voice hoarse and head still spinning.

The next day, the boys looked like hell and Sirius noticed my face, asking,

"Were you up all night last night, (Y/N)?"

"Were you?" I growled, glaring at the four of them and James cut in,

"Lily told us what happened last night. What aren't you telling us?"

"I've a special ability, passed down from mother to daughter in my family. You're turn." I replied, waiting on the lie and Remus got pale in the face asking,

"You saw?"

"Yes, I saw and felt for that matter."

Flashback End

Shaking my head, I pushed away the memory and headed to the Great Hall to meet McGonagall. When I walked into the room, all eyes were on me and I sighed, going straight to McGonagall.

"We may as well have just said this was a regular lunch, Minerva. Why didn't we meet anywhere else?" She chuckled at my comments and replied,

"We're just making a plate, then we can go to my office. I know you don't like using the house elves for personal reasons."

My snide comment was cut off and I blinked, repeatedly, feeling light headed. I leaned forward on the staff's table, seeing images from that fateful night ten years ago. There was no blood, just green flashes, and lots of screaming. All that pain and Harry's sadness. Lily and James appeared, their eyes cold and lacking life.

Feeling a hand on my arm, I came out of it and was met by Albus' worried expression. Minerva was behind him and Severus was next to Albus, his arm around my waist to keep me upright.

"Let's go talk in your office, (Y/N)." Albus suggested, quietly and I nodded, allowing them to support me. Severus looked genuinely concerned for a moment, but that went away once I was sitting down.

"What is going on here?" Severus asked, arms crossing over his chest and I rested my head in my hands, replying,

"I have a unique ability. Unique to my family. I see visions."

"Like divination?"

"No, it isn't exactly the future. More like, the present. . .Or the past. It isn't just visions though. I can feel what the person in the visions feels. . .It's like I'm there. I can't control when it happens, normally it's when something bad happens, when someone close to me is in pain, or danger. Which is why my family tends of distance themselves from others. It makes me go rigid, which is why I need someone to monitor me." I explained, looking anywhere but at the men in front of me.

"You don't know what you look like during this?" Severus asked, making me raise a brow and begin,

"No, I-"

"You do go rigid, but your eyes; they cloud over. As if, you're going blind, (Y/N)." He interrupted, making my eyes widen and look directly at him.

"Severus, I promised (Y/N) I wouldn't spread this around the school. I'm trusting you'll accept this as well." Albus informed him, making me tense and Severus looked between us, sighing. He didn't even answer the damn question, just walked out of the room.

"(Y/N), I-"

"Albus, if he lets slip the nature of my condition. I'm leaving. . .No exceptions. Understand?"

". . .Yes."

Don't Be Ridiculous (Severus Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now