The Rest Of The Year

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The next day, I helped McGonagall in her second year transfiguration class, being her example during the animagus lesson. After the class, Severus was waiting for me and he asked,

"Is there anything else I should know?"


"You're an animagus. So, is there anything else about you that I don't know about?"

"Well, there is one thing."


"It's a secret though."

". . .I hate you."

Giggling, I walked with Severus and I swore I could see a small smile appear on his face,

"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" He asked, glancing down at me and I looked at him, replying,

"I'm good. No visions today, knock on wood."

"Good." Severus muttered, his eyes meeting mine and I saw his cold gaze, soften. Someone behind us cleared their throat and we looked back, seeing a smiling Albus.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Severus." Albus greeted, linking arms with me and I sighed, glaring at the man. Severus and I both realized how intimate we looked in that moment. Talking softly to one another, standing close, and what could be perceived as longing gazes.

Upon this realization, Severus left Albus and me in the hallway, abruptly.

"I fear I may have intruded upon a beautiful moment." Albus spoken, looking at me apologetically.

"Don't be foolish. There was no moment between myself and Snivellus." I snapped back, pulling my arm away from him and crossing my arms across my chest.

The Dark Lord, in a black cloak goes through the woods. A unicorn is slain, its blood is taken. Stolen by a foul mouth. This pure creature was tainted by darkness. Pure, unbridled rage. Pain, power.


Panting, I met Albus' blue eyes and the feeling of his hands holding me upright.

"Come on." He muttered, leading me to an empty classroom and getting me to sit down. Wincing, I tried to relax, but every physical part of me fought the idea.

"The boy?"


"!! Is he-"

"Back? No, but he's trying desperately."

Albus sighed and offered me his arm, wanting to head somewhere more private. We were headed to Albus' office, slowly, and when we reached the floor to his office, Severus came running after us and we stopped, looking at him confused.

"(Y/N), I have never nor will ever have feelings for you." He snapped, glaring at me and I felt a pang in my chest, as I replied coldly,

"Well, Snivellus, I haven't and won't either."


"It's fine, Albus. Let's go." I cut off the older man, turning my back to Severus and holding onto Albus' arm for dear life.

"(Y/N), you had a vision." Severus stated, his voice wavering and I shot back, quickly,

"Don't concern yourself with it. Go back and play with your potions." Albus glances between us and as I went to walk forward, he was forced to follow.

We stood on the first step and I muttered,

"Sherbet Lemon." The staircase began to move and I leaned back on the statue, hugging myself.

Don't Be Ridiculous (Severus Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now