Sorcerer's Stone: Part One

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As the school year came up, I found myself sitting next to Black Lake and avoiding everyone at all cost. The visions becoming more vivid and frequent, due to Harry getting closer and closer to me. 

"(Y/N)?" A voice called and I looked up, seeing Minerva coming towards me. Going to stand up, I wobbled slightly and when I thought I'd fall, I felt an arm wrap around my waist to keep me up. Looking up, I saw Severus and he reprimanded, softly,

"I finally found you. Just in time it seems." 

"Severus! I didn't see you here with (Y/N)." Minerva said, stopping in front of us and handing me my class schedule. Severus let go of me, slowly, taking his own schedule and replying,

"Well, the Headmaster asked for (Y/N) before the start of term feast. I've been looking for her for him." Minerva smiled, softly, and nodded, asking,

"You still good to help me on Tuesdays this year, (Y/N)?" Looking down at my schedule, I had NEWT classes on Thursdays and the rest of my days were free. Nodding, I looked up at her and she smiled, concluding,

"Excellent! I'll see you both at the feast." Turning to Severus, I looked up and asked, softly,

"Does Albus really wish to see me?" 

"No...I have been looking for you though. Who are you helping on your off days?" He replied, helping me to the castle and I told him the schedule I had talked to Minerva, Filius, Pomona, and Rolanda about this year,

"Monday; Charms. Tuesday; Transfiguration. Wednesday; Herbology. Thursday; NEWT Potions. Friday; You. Unless you don't want me." When we got to the castle, he let go of my arm and placed his hand on the small of my back, leading me to the dungeons. 

"I'm fine with that, but it's my first years." Severus warned me, watching my face for a reaction. Sighing, I looked at the schedule and replied,

"Seems everyone needs help with their first years, this year."


"Every class I'm helping this year is a first year class."

"Do you think the Headmaster?"

"I think he did it on purpose. The exposure to Harry could lessen the visions."

"Or make them much worse!" 

"Yeah. That's the other option."  

"I'm going-"

"Going what? Talk to Albus about it? He won't change his mind. We've known him long enough." 


When we got to his office, he sat me down in the chair across from his desk and sighed, cupping my cheek gently. The action shocked me and it seemed to shock himself, as he whispered,

"I don't want you in constant pain or stress." 






"Severus?" Albus' voice called through the door, making us separate and Severus glared at the door, replying,

"Come in." When Albus came into the room, he smiled and teased,

"I heard that I wanted to see (Y/N) from Minerva." Severus glared at Albus, pointedly, and I replied,

"Apparently." Albus chuckled, softly, and Severus kept glaring, as he asked,

"Is there a reason (Y/N)'s only option is to help with the first year classes this year?" 

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