Prisoner Of Azkaban: Part One

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The summer was, nearly, over and I was hoping to see some sign of Remus before the start of term feast. So, I was in the Three Broomsticks again and the sound of the door opening caught my attention. Severus came in, a hard scowl on his face, and I raised a brow, as he sat next to me.

"Severus, What-"

"Have you heard? Who's going to be this year's defense against the dark arts teacher...Did Albus tell you?"


"You did know! How can you be okay with that were-"

"Quiet!" I hissed, reaching over and covering his mouth with my hand and continuing, in a whisper,

"You can't say that out loud here. You know that. I'm sure Albus told you." Grabbing my wrist, he moved my hand and hissed,

"What? The truth. With Sirius Black out of prison. He's bound to-"

"Sirius escaped from Azkaban? That's not possible."

"I know! He's going to come after Potter. He's-"

"Hogwarts is the safest place for him, Severus. He'll never get anywhere near him."

"With help, he could."

"Remus would never betray Potter like that."

Wishing to avoid an argument, Severus dropped the subject and let my wrist go, turning to the bar. He ordered a drink for himself and we drank in silence for awhile, before he spoke again,

"Do you still fancy him?"

"Fancy who?"

"Why...Our new colleague, of course." Rolling my eyes, I glared at him and took a sip of my fire whiskey, relishing in the burn it sent down my throat.

"While green and silver are your colors, Severus. Jealousy does not suit you."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Let's see the fact that you've been scaring off men for the past couple of months may give me that idea."

"Their filthy hands didn't belong anywhere near your body, (Y/N)."

"I've already told you, Severus...You don't get to decide who I can and cannot spend my time with. If you don't want to pursue a relationship with me, fine. However, you don't get to scare off any other men who would like that opportunity."

"And I've told you. You deserve to be with someone who can appreciate the treasure that you are."

"You can do that, Severus!"

"No, I can't. I've told you...I'm not good enough for you. I'm too..."

"Then, I don't have to answer your questions about who I do and don't fancy."

Tears were welling up behind my eyes, quickly. Downing the rest of my drink, I left enough for my tab on the counter and stood, leaving. When I got to my chambers, I threw myself onto my bed and glared at the ceiling for hours. After the kiss, Severus shut himself away for weeks and when I did, finally, corner him...He said it had been a mistake and that we should forget about it. We argued, often, about and finally he told me that he didn't want to pursue a relationship because his heart would always be with Lily.

This fact...I knew. At the same time, though, I couldn't help but feel as though we would make a charming couple. I stopped bringing it up and he was glad, though he chased away any man who even looked like they were interested in me. Making avoiding that argument much harder. Later that night, I pulled on a robe and went down to the kitchens, in search of a snack. When I got there, the house elves were rushing around and preparing for the start of term feast, quickly. When they sensed my presence, all of them stopped and looked at me, fearfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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