Sorcerer's Stone: Part Two

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From that moment on, the visions were back in full swing and worse than ever. Always the same and always exhausting. Minerva and I were almost always together, now. Severus had taken over my NEWT class due to my not being able to keep up with him with potions at the present moment. 

The visions were present in my dreams as well, Severus always making a romantic appearance. Making being close to or around him difficult. Harry had been so busy between school, Quidditch, and snooping around about the Sorcerer's Stone that he didn't try to corner me anymore. This was a relief, however, his constant prying made Severus more irritable than usual. 

In June, Harry and his friends were going after the stone. Rubbing my forehead, I winced as images passed through my mind;

Devil's Snare...Wizards' chest...Charmed keys and a riding broom...The Mirror of Erised. The Golden Trio and all of their fear...Pain, anger, and great sadness. 

"Damn it!" I growled, going to stand and wobbling only slightly. Huffing, I pressed my hand to my forehead and walked, slowly. Heading to Minerva's office, I heard her scolding the golden trio. 

"I don't know how you found out about the Stone, but I assure you it's perfectly-well protected." 


"Now would you head back to your dormitories...quietly." As they walked in the opposite direction as me, I walked into Minerva's office and she spoke, before I could,

"I've already-"

"Perhaps you should listen to your students' concerns, Minerva." 

"(Y/N)! Come, sit." Sitting across from her, I winced and she flicked her wrist, starting on some tea.

"You know about this? Your visions?" She asked, as I took a deep breath and explained to her, in vivid death the fragments of visions I've been seeing for the past few weeks. 

"We have to-"

"No." A deep voice caught our attention, making me turn to the door and raise a brow at Severus.

"No? Severus, I know you don't like the Potter boy, but-"

"If we stop them, the threat will only remain."

"So, we just let our students remain threatened?!" Minerva exclaimed, but when I saw Severus' expression, I understood.

"Damn that man. Albus better know what he's doing." I growled, resting my head on the desk and taking shallow breaths.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" 

The Mirror of Erised stood at the end of this room, Quirrell was muttering to himself. No, not himself. To someone else in the room.

"But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone. Never." Harry winced, his scar burning. That pain. Quirrell turned to the mirror and spoke,

"Now, what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?!"

"Use the boy." A voice hissed, quietly, making Quirrell turn and point a finger to the boy,

"Come here, Potter! Now!" Harry moved down the stairs, slowly, going to stand in front of the mirror. 

"Tell me. What do you see?" Harry's reflection remained the same, but he had the stone. It was in his pocket. 

"What is it? What do you see?"

"I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup."

"He liessss."

"Tell the truth! What do you see?!"

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