Yes Professor

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Later that night, I was sitting at the staff table next to Severus and Quirrell, talking quietly. Mostly talking to Quirell and Severus was brooding. 

"Y-You'll come and help me w-with some of my o-older s-students. R-R-Right, (Y/N)?" Quirrell asked, smiling at me and I nodded, replying,

"Of course, Quirrell. Can't let you have all the fu-"

Visions of Voldemort filled my head. Half alive, living off of someone else, feeding on unicorn blood. Desperate for the sorcerer's stone to be able to come back to life and live forever. An unbearable blood lust, anger for one person in particular. . .Harry Potter.

I felt someone's arm around my shoulders, I hand pressing my face into his neck, gently. As my vision cleared, I glanced up and caught Severus' eyes, making him let me go. My face flushed, but I hoped due to what just happened, it wasn't noticeable. However, I did catch onto the tint of pink that was on Severus' face when I glanced up. 

Leaning my head on my hand of support, I caught my breath and tried to get my growing headache to go away. Upon hearing thousands of shuffling feet, I looked up and saw the older students begin to file into the Great Hall. Sitting up, I rubbed my temple and Severus leaned over, whispering,

"Don't push yourself, (Y/N). Can't have you collapsing on us." 

"Is Severus Snape actually worried about moi?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I could care less about you. But I do need the students to respect you." 

Rolling my eyes, I chuckled and he went back to brooding, silently. After the students got settled, McGonagall came in with the first years and explained to them how the sorting ceremony would go. There were hundreds of names and I barely kept up with them all. I wouldn't have these students for another four plus years, so I wasn't worried. 

"Welcome back, everyone! Before we begin our feast, I'd like to welcome a new Professor for NEWT potions; Professor (First Name) (Last Name)." Albus started, motioning to me and I stood up, briefly. Wobbling slightly, Severus supported me as inconspicuously as possible and I made a mental note to thank him later, thought the thought made me want to retch. Sitting back down, I nodded to Severus and he didn't even acknowledge me, making irritation rise in me. 

"Let's all warmly welcome her!" Albus continued, making the entire hall erupt in applause and some of the older boys whistled, basically cat calling. This behavior made me roll my eyes and Severus seemed to tense, as Albus finished,

"Yes, yes, yes. Now, without further delay. Let the feast begin."

After dinner, Albus and Severus walked me back to my room, both me watching over me without seeming to be my support to stay upright. When we reached my door, I turned to the pair and said,

"Thank you, but I think I've got it from here." Severus seemed to hesitate at the idea of leaving me and I chuckled, approaching him. Reaching up, I patted his cheek and his face flushed, as I teased,

"I'm gonna be fine, Snivellus. I can take care of myself." At hearing the name he hates, he huffed and pulled away from me, storming off with his robes billowing behind him.

"You two ought to try to get along. Maybe something will bloom out of it." Albus suggested, making me scoff and go to take a step to my chambers, but I faltered almost falling. Albus grabbed my arm and helped me into my chambers, giving me a knowing look.

"Don't start with me. I'm exhausted." I snapped, sitting on the edge of my bed and avoiding his gaze. 

"Of course you are, I saw that scene at the table. For a man you didn't want to trust with your secret, he sure helped you hide it well." With that he left me alone to my thoughts, all night long my thoughts were corrupted by my vision at dinner and Severus Snape. 

The next morning, I woke up and got ready for the day. My NEWT class was on Wednesday mornings and today was Tuesday, i promised Flitwick that I'd help him with first years today. 

Going down to breakfast, I was met by Severus and he glared at me, started,

"Good morning, Professor."

"Good morning." I replied, walking with him to the Great Hall and earning a few stares on the way, from students and staff. Sighing, I stopped in a more vacant hall and Severus stopped with me, waiting on my explanation,

"You don't have to be with me twenty-four seven. The monitoring is only for the NEWT class."

"And if you freeze up in the middle of the hallway? What'll be our explanation when that happens?"

"Tell everyone I had a mild fever and I'm fine now." 

"Well, Albus disagrees and said you need monitoring at all times, due to the incident in the Great Hall yesterday. . .Twice." 

". . ."

"That's what I thought."

"Shut up, Snivellus."

We continued to the Great Hall in semi-silence. Every now and then, we'd argue and Severus would end up getting irritated, huffing, and going back quiet.

When we got to the Great Hall, Severus made a b-line for his seat and as I went to follow him, a boy stopped me. He was a sixth year student, bright blue eyes, jet black hair, tall, lean, and fit. 

"Professor (L/N), my name is Jacob Scott. I'll be in your NEWT class tomorrow." He introduced himself, shamelessly letting his eyes roam over my body. Faking ignorance, I put on a smile and shook the boy's hand, replying,

"Nice to meet you, Scott. I look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow." When I went to pass by him, he grabbed my wrist extremely hard and I slightly turned to him, as he continued,

"I'm dead awful at potions, though, perhaps you could give me some private lessons." My smile fell from my face and I glared at him, fully. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Albus keeping Severus from intervening, but still staying close enough to handle the situation if need be. 

"Perhaps you shouldn't have signed up for NEWT potions if you're dead awful at potions then. How about asking Professor Snape for tutoring?" I replied, turning to face away from him and his grip on my wrist tightened, as he replied, 

"He won't keep my attent- AH!" He released me, looking down at his, now, severely burnt palm. Tucking my hands into my pockets, I faced him fully and warned, gently,

"Listen here, boy. I am not one to be trifled with. I may be a woman, to whom apparently many are attracted, but I'm still your teacher. Let that teach you a lesson. I suggest you head to Madam Pomphrey." Scott was pale in the face and he nodded, quickly, as he ran off. Looking around, all eyes were on the situation and I asked, out loud,

"Does anyone else wish to ask about private lessons?" When no response came, I walked to the staff's table and muttered to myself,

"That's what I thought." As I approached Albus and Severus, they seemed impressed with my ability to somehow lose my temper, but keep it at the same time. 

"What?" I asked, grabbing a piece of toast and sitting down, as they both stared at me. 

"Nothing." Albus replied, smirking and leaving the hall. Severus looked at the time and huffed,

"Damn!" Grabbing two pieces of toast, he turned on his heel and left the hall as well. Flitwick was still in the hall and when I finished breakfast, I approached him,

"Ready for classes?" Flitwick smiled and replied,

"Yes! The children are going to be excited about having you there, I hope as least." 

In class, we just taught them the proper uses and techniques when it came to wands, charms, and the like. 

The next day, the NEWT class was extremely quiet when I walked to the front of the class. In the center of class sat Jacob Scott and he had a bandage around his hand. Stopping next to his desk, he flinched and I smiled at him, informing him,

"We'll be brewing potions next week. If you can't participate, Scott, you'll fail for the week." 

"But! You did this to me!"

"Don't grab me and I won't have to burn you. Do you understand what I said before? I'm serious." 

"Yes, Professor." 

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