Chapter One

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Seven Months Earlier
My heart is racing as I jump out of the car, slamming the door behind me and storming toward the back of the old abandoned factory, following the beaten path that I have walked along too many times to count.

The path that we had discovered.

The factory that we had found.

But this time there is no thrill, no excitement in seeing my gang.

The only thing I can see is red from the anger coursing through my veins, and I wouldn't be surprised if my teeth have chipped from how hard I have been grinding them together for the past few hours.

I don't even bother to take out my key as I reach the back door.

I pull out a metal crowbar from the bag strapped across my chest and in two hard thrusts, I make a large hole in the door, stepping through swiftly.

All of the yells and fighting inside cease quickly as one by one, the traitors who I once saw as friends turn to face me, all of their faces betraying the guilt that they are feeling.

I glance around until my eyes settle on Lila and Joey, whose gazes drop quickly to the ground, and this fuels my anger even more.

"Seriously? Seriously! I trusted you, all of you!" I shriek.

I don't care if I appear crazy, I'm blinded by the anger that all of them have caused.

I take a threatening step toward Eda, who stands closest to me, and she stumbles back in fear.

Good. They should be scared.

Suddenly the crowd begins to part, and Carlos comes striding toward me, his mouth set in a hard line.

"You," I hiss, and he holds up his hands in a gesture for me to let him explain.

"We're sorry, Rosalie. But you know that we needed to do this. You've changed. You're not like you used to be... You're not one of us anymore."

I feel my eyes narrow, and though Carlos is the leader of the team, I can see the unease behind his hard expression.

"Don't play your stupid games with me. You tricked my parents by offering them a better price on that house! We would've stayed here! We could've found a way! It's not my fault that I decided to stop all of this before we got caught! Why won't you let me help you?"

Carlos shakes his head sadly, as the rest of the gang hesitantly watch the scene unfold.

"No, Rosalie. After all of these years? We'll be . Just because you have a rich daddy doesn't mean we all do. Yet we decided to look past that because we trusted you."

"" I retort, and he sighs.

"You know that there are hundreds of them, Rosalie." He replies, and before I can argue any more Lila steps forward and envelopes me in a bone crushing hug.

What am I gonna do without her? She is my closest friend in the world.

"I'm going to miss you Rosalie. We all are." My eyes well up with tears as I squeeze Lila to my chest, before pulling back determinedly.

"If you guys haven't defeated them by summer, I'm coming back."

Lila nods, smiling a little. "We will try our hardest."

Then Joey steps forward, pulling me tightly to his chest and holding me there for a few minutes, although it only feels like seconds before he pulls away.

"I'll see you soon, Rosalie."

My eyes begin to water as he lets go of my hand, and I swat at the tears furiously.

I have known Joey for my whole life, and I would be lying if I said that there wasn't something between us.

"Hey," he says softly, placing his hand beneath my chin and tilting it upward so that our eyes are locked.

"This isn't goodbye," he states firmly.

I simply nod and he smiles, kissing my cheek sweetly.

The thing was, that was only half true.

There was a chance that I would never see them again.

Not if they found out where I was hiding. The enemy, I mean.

The Raptors.

See, when I was little I had met Joey, which is how I had gotten involved with my gang, The Sirens.

And by gang, I don't mean the kind that deal drugs or anything.

We are a sort of organization that help the police, but all of our work is anonymous and we keep ourselves on the down low so as not to become targets.

But there is another organization as well, The Raptors. And they are the bad kind, the kind that the police do look for.

For years we have been trying to defeat them, but it was only just a few weeks ago that by chance I had happened to stumble across a file signaling the whereabouts of Chrome (the Raptor's gang leader).

Joey pulls back and gives me one last smile, before gesturing to the door where my parents sit outside, waiting for me to say goodbye to my "friends."

They have no idea that I belong to one of the most dangerous gangs in the area.

As I reach the door, I take one deep breath, before turning back.

I have grown up with most of these people. I have known Lila since I was a baby.

"Bye, Sirens. Get 'em for me." I shoot them one last smile, and I hear their calls of "goodbye" and "see you soon" 's chorus behind me.

I am on the run.

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