Chapter 3

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Ok I'm really bored so I'm gonna update again lol but give me feedback in the comments please!


Brie's POV


'hi brie...' Olivia comes over and hugs me.

'what is happening!? why are we on one direction's tour bus!? why is your arm bleeding!? why is harry naked.. oh wait...' I say admiring Harry's super man boxers.

'Hello, beautiful... Sorry I had to rush you like that.' Zayn smiles cheekily at me.

'oh it's ok, It's not everyday Zayn Malik picks you and carries you on to his tour bus...'

'Yeah, but you're gorgeous. You're hair is perfect, babe.'

'Aw thank you!' I say fan girling on the inside... and maybe a little on the outside.

Olivia's POV

Me and Niall have been talking for a while. I don't really know whats happening. All I'm really understanding is that I've opened up to Niall. I really hope he's one of those people I can trust. I just met him and I already see that we're gonna be good friends... We continute talking about random subjects.

'Sooo Olivia, wheres your favorite place to eat around here?' Niall asks me with a giant grin on his face.

I smile. 'Olive Garden.' Eleanor and Brie nod in agreement.

Luckily there was one 2 miles up ahead. The boys all went into the back room to get there 'disguises' and come back out about 5 minutes latee wearing Jack Wills hoodies, with the hood up and sunglasses on. Nope, nothing more suspicious then walking out of a tourbus with 1D written on the side, and wearing sunglasses and 9 at night. They're cute, but not really that bright.

I just let it go.

Brie and Zayn seem to have hit it off and they're talking a lot. Theres definatley something up with Louis and El. They're been giggeling ever since they've lied eyes on eachother.

I think I like Niall. NO Olivia. NO! you don't like Niall. Okay. Maybe.. a little. No. Yes. YES! ok I like him.

Zayn's POV

WOAH. When I picked Brie up to run from those physco fans, and looked into her eyes. I discovered that she was something special. I wanna get to know her more. I'm gonna ask El about her.

'Hey El!' I say cheerfully.

'She loves you, lunchables, and music. Music is her life.'

'How did you knowI was gon-'

'I saw the way you looked at each other.'

'Well thanks anyways. I think Louis fancies you.' I say with a grin spreading on my lips.

'oh no.. I mean liar. uh, oh... yeah. ok.'

Eleanor says studdering and blushing.

She's so cute.

'I'm not kidding, he would have given you some kind of fashion advice if he didn't like you... you know Lou.'

I say

'Maybe he doesn't wanna be rude.' she says looking around trying not to smile or get any red but not succeeding.

She takes my hand and leads me away from the other room.

'ARE YOU SERIOUS!? AHH THIS IS BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. do you know how much I love you guys!? WHAT IF HE ACTUALLY DOES LIKE ME!? I've been holding this fan girl in all night, so bare with me!' she squeals quietly in a couch pillow.

'How about this deal...? You talk to Brie for me and I'll talk to boo bear for you. Deal?'

'DEAL! I LOVE YOU ZAYN MALIK!' She says a little too loud. Loud enough to bring 4 little head pop through the door.

'WHAT!?' Liam screams

'YOU GUYS JUST MET YOU CAN'T LOVE HIM YET! Zayn Malik! Have you forgotten the lesson we've had on treating girls!? YOU CAN'T RUSH THEM!' Liam says recieving many laughs.

'Mate, calm down.' I say in between laughs.

'Yeah, we were just making a deal, I don't love him like that!' Eleanor says trying to catch her breath to a confused Liam.

'Well, go get em' tiger!'

Harry says giving me a wink

'HAROLD! I can't believe you'd flirt with Zayn right in front of me!'

Lou says with a fake frown.

Eleanor POV

This is interesting. This is by far the best night in the world. I love this.

Except one thing..

As we pull into Olive Garden, Niall takes Olivia's hand and leads her in.

Louis takes mine. Zayn picks Brie up and leads her to the door opens it for all of us.

Harry and Liam raced to the door, only resulting in Harry falling and Liam running to aid.

We get seated and as I look up, I see a familiar light brown curls and dark blue eyes walking up behind Olivia's table. She sees my facial expression which is torn between surprised and horror. She turns around and is greeted by the fist of the person who caused her the most pain... Dylan Ploher.


(A/N) AHHH! what do you guys think!? feed back please! ok bye lovelies! <3 ;*

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