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First chapter!!!

I hope you guys will enjoy this little short story. The chapters probably won't be as long as in my other two books lol.

Anyways, enjoy!!!~~<3


   She couldn't see anything.

   Absolutely nothing.

   She'd never been able to see. Ever.

   She'd never been able to see anything ever since she was born. Her eyes were cloudy. She couldn't even look into the eyes of her birth givers.

   The girl was abandoned at a young age. Afterall, who'd want a blind baby?

   Left in a cardboard box in the middle of the road, the poor girl was just waiting for death; it was right around the corner—quite literally actually. But a woman who helped people just like the girl took pity on her and raised her. The girl was taught to love her disability and to embrace it. She may not be able to see, but she has other enhanced abilities. For example, she can hear better and smell better than most people. Her senses were so advanced that she could mostly sense if things were right in front of her.

   However, every person has their bad days, and of course, the girl has those days where she hates herself because of her disability. Being bullied because she couldn't see was an evil thing, but then again, kids were villainy. But that's when the girl was first introduced to BTS.

   It was a complete coincidence that the girl was feeling down and depressed when the first BTS song she'd ever heard played on the radio. Yes, it was true that she lived in Korea and BTS had already been out for quite a while, but the girl mostly preferred western music or just instrumental music. So, when she heard those seven boys for the first time, she immediately fell in love.

   Though she loved all the boys and their voices, she of course had a favorite.

   Kim Namjoon.

   She could relate with him the most. He's been through so many troubles, but he knows that he can't let them get to him, which inspires (insfires) the girl a lot.

   The girl now all grown up, she was still forced to live with her grandma. Passing high school and college with flying colors, the girl should've been able to get basically any job that she wanted. However, no one wanted to hire a blind person, so she was rejected each and every time. So, the girl was sadly forced to live in the old woman's house for free.

   The girl knew that she'd have to have someone with her at all time, but she just wishes that she could do more. If only jobs weren't so biased.

   And so, the girl with the name of L/N Y/N listened to Kim Namjoon all day every day; wishing, hoping, and praying that she'd be able to meet her idol when her grandma made her wish come true.


I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!!!!!

Remember, next chapter of this book or He's Dead won't come out until I finish my Gacha story lol. Sorry.


Look and appreciate:

Look and appreciate:

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Anyways guys, please make sure to vote and comment! It really does help. Bye friends and see you next chapter!!!!!~~<3

Oh, and posted on September 1st here in America and also Korea(❁'◡'❁)

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