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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "Hello? Who's this?"

   "Hi, Joonie! It's Y/N!"

   Namjoon's eyes widened joyfully and he quickly ran to his room, ignoring all of his member's stares.


   "Why do you call me that? I'm just a fan." Namjoon frowned.

   "No, baby, you're wrong. You're so much more than that." The girl blushed harshly and awkwardly coughed.

   "Anyways, what are you doing?" Namjoon asked curiously.

   "I'm laying on my bed while listening to your mixtapes."

   Namjoon chuckled breathlessly. "Am I your bias, baby?" he asked with a smirk.

   "N-No. . . Maybe?"

   "It's not good to lie, baby girl," Namjoon said with a sudden dark and husky tone. A shiver ran down Y/N's spine.

   "Okay, you got me. You're right," the girl sighed. Namjoon silently cheered in his room.

   "Babyyy I want to know more about you," Namjoon whined.

   "Let's play twenty-one questions! I've never played that before," the girl smiled widely.

   The two talk for hours on end, just getting to know one another. Namjoon knew he was falling into the pit called love deeper and deeper, but he could honestly care less.

   "Say, Y/N, do you think we could meet again soon?" Namjoon asked hopefully.


   "Yeah! I really love talking to you," Namjoon mumbled while he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

   "Okay! My grandma will have to tag along, though." Namjoon could practically feel the pout.

   "That's okay! I want to get to know her, too."

   "Perhaps Sunday at two? We have church."

   "Sounds good to me! See ya there, baby."

   "Bye Joonie!"



I hope you guys enjoyed!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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