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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   Time passed and Namjoon and the girl spent a lot of time together. But of course, not too much time to where Namjoon didn't spend time with his members. He was with them more than Y/N, actually.

   But it wasn't enough.

   The members were jealous of all the attention Namjoon was giving the girl. She was blind for peats sake. What was so special about a girl that couldn't see? Why should a blind girl win all of Namjoon's attention? It so wasn't fair to them.

   Namjoon opened the door to the dorm around five o'clock in the evening, a huge smile plastered on his face from spending time with Y/N. He hummed a tune to himself happily as he skipped to the living room, only for his humming to cease and his smile to drop at the sight of his members gathered around in the room.

   "Hey guys! What's up?" Namjoon questioned.

   "We want to talk to you," said Yoongi.


   "Well, we'll just get straight to the point. We want you to stop talking to that blind girl," said Seokjin.

   Namjoon froze.


   "We don't want you to hang out with her anymore. She's taking you away from us!" exclaimed Jungkook.

   "What the heck? How can you guys say this?" Namjoon asked with wide eyes.

   "You spend all of your free time with her! She can't even see! What's so great about that?" Jimin crossed his arms.

   "I hang out with Y/N twice every two weeks! I literally devote most of my free time to you six! How dare you guys act like this?" Namjoon said disappointedly.

   "She's just a disabled fan anyway. Why even associate yourself with her?" Taehyung mumbled.

   "BECAUSE I LOVE HER, DAMMIT!" Namjoon snapped. Their eyes widened.

   "SHE LIKES ME, I LOVE HER!" the leader snarled. "So, stop your bull crap and get over it! Because I'm not leaving her. Her disability makes her more unique, and she likes me for who I am and not for my looks—which she can't even see! Now, I'm going to my studio because otherwise, I'm going to end up punching one—or all—of you. Don't bother calling me; I'll come home when I'm ready." Namjoon pivoted on his heels rather gracefully despite his clumsy nature and slammed the door closed.

Love is Blind | Namjoon x Reader | Short Story✔Where stories live. Discover now