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New depressing chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   Namjoon called an Uber and waited by the side of the road rather impatiently. How hadn't Namjoon noticed the signs of a terminal sickness? Well, he noticed she was sick, but didn't think too much of it. How stupid of him.

   The Uber soon pulled up and Namjoon gave him the address before the driver pulled out at a fast speed per Namjoon's request. Around thirty minutes later, Namjoon was sprinting to the doorstep after throwing a random amount of money at the Uber driver.

   Namjoon frantically fumbled with the unlocked door before slamming it open, not caring that the door knob created hole in the wall. "Baby? Baby, where are you?" Namjoon called.

   "J-Joonie, I'm in here," the girl replied. Namjoon ran towards the direction of her voice and immediately froze at the sight of the lifeless body of Y/N's grandma. The rapper slowly walked over to the two and gently grabbed the old woman's wrist and felt for a pulse. He didn't find one. The man then lowered his head to her mouth to see if he could feel her breath. He couldn't.

   She was dead.

   Namjoon choked out a heavy breath and stepped back, grabbing his girlfriend's wrist in the process and pulled her into his arms.

   "J-Joonie, is she going to be o-okay?" the girl hopefully asked. Namjoon held his breath.

   "Did you call the authorities?" Namjoon asked, successfully avoiding her question.

   "Yes, they said that they'd be here soon."

   "Alright, let's go wait for them in the living room," said Namjoon.

   "B-But I want to stay with G-Grandma!" Y/N exclaimed. Namjoon's heart broke.

   "N-No, uh, we'll need to lead the police to her room," Namjoon wittily said.

   "Oh, okay."

   The rapper led his girlfriend and sat down with her on his lap on the couch, only for him to have to get right back up when the doorbell rang.

   Soon enough, Namjoon was leading the workers back to the woman's room and watching with tears streaming down his face as they officially declared the caretaker as dead. A quiet sob escaped his lips as they covered her face for the last time. The leader fled the room and immediately engulfed the blind girl into his arms, trying to force his tears back into his tear ducts.

   "Hello, sir? Ma'am?" Namjoon glanced up. "What were your relations with the woman?" asked one of the ambulance workers.

   "Were? She is my grandma. Also, my caretaker," Y/N answered.

   "Caretaker . . ?" the man silently glanced at Namjoon, who avoided eye contact.

   "Yes, sir. I'm blind."

   ". . . Oh. How old are you, ma'am?"

   "Uh, I'm twenty-four. Uhm, if I may ask, what do these questions have to do with anything?" Y/N questioned. The worker took a deep breath in and out.

   "Ma'am, your grandmother is dead."


   ". . . W-What?"

   "According to her doctor, your grandma had a lung cancer that I assume she never told anyone about." Y/N's eyes began to tear up and a loud sob left her mouth. Namjoon held onto her tighter and cried silently with her as she wailed.

   "Do you have any relatives that can pick you up?" the worker asked after some time.

   "N-No, I'm the only one she has," whispered Namjoon.

   "Can you take her in?" Namjoon looked at his love, who was still sobbing.

   "Y-Yeah. My members will probably throw a fit, but I don't care."

   "All right. We'll be in contact with you and Miss L/N for funeral details later." The worker bowed lowly and exited the house with the rest of his people.

   Namjoon let Y/N cry for a little while longer before silently going to her room and packed her stuff. She didn't have a lot, so it didn't take long.

   "Baby, we have to go," he said gently once he was back downstairs. Y/N didn't reply, so he lifted her into his arms and carried her out to an Uber that he previously had called. Once in the car, Namjoon cradled the girl to his chest and sighed. What were the members going to say about this?


I hope you guys all enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Also, I actually finished writing the entire story!!! All I need to do is type it onto Word and then transfer it onto here. But yay!!!

Bye friends~~<3

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