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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "What type of ice cream flavor do you want?" Namjoon asked Y/N once they arrived at an ice cream truck.

   "Uh . . . C-Can I have cotton candy?" the blind girl twittled her fingers nervously.

   "Of course, baby. DO you want me to lead you over to a bench to sit down or do you want to stay with me?"

   "I-I'll stay with you. I'm not comfortable with being by myself in public," she replied with tugging on Namjoon's shirt.

   "That's fine. Just keep holding onto my hand and don't let go." Y/N nodded her head and tightened her grip on his hand.

   "Hello there! What can I get ya?" the ice cream lady asked.

   "Hello! May we get one Neapolitan ice cream cone and one cotton candy one?" Namjoon ordered with a deeper voice so that he wouldn't be recognized.

   "Sure! Coming right up."

   Once the girl and Namjoon received their treats, Namjoon led Y/N over to a secluded park bench where they could eat their ice cream peacefully. They both talked and laughed and just got to know each other better. Namjoon lowkey knew that he was in love, but he wasn't ready to tell her yet. They had just met, and he didn't want to scare her away. Plus, what if she didn't feel the same way?

   Now for Y/N, she had no idea why her heart always beat so fast when she was around Namjoon. Why did it do that? There was always butterflies in her tummy, and she always felt fuzzy. Perhaps it was a crush? In the audio books she listens to, they always talked about crushes. She assumed that this is what it was. Maybe Namjoon would know?

   "Hey, Joonie?"

   "Yes baby?" Y/N's heart flipped.

   "Uhm, can you describe what a crush is?" Namjoon's mouth dropped down and his cheeks heat up.

   "Uhm—uh, sure," he stuttered. "A crush is whenever you're around a certain person, you always feel good. You'll feel butterflies in your belly and you'll always want to be around that person. You'll love everything about them—their good and their bad sides, and you constantly miss them even when they're right next to you."

   "Oh." Y/N took the final bite of her ice cream cone. "I have a crush on you, Namjoon."

   Namjoon froze.



   "Y-You have a crush on m-me?"

   "Yeah, I think so."

   How blunt.

   "W-Why? I'm not even a-attractive or anything—"



   "I don't care about looks."

   "Well you should—"

   "Namjoon, I can't freaking see."


   "O-Oh my gosh! Baby, I'm sorry—!"

   "Joonie! It's okay, I understand. You just forgot," the girl giggled.

   "I'm still sorry, baby."

   "It's okay; I forgive you."

   Namjoon took a moment to gather his thoughts. He really wasn't expecting that. He wasn't exactly ready to confess his feelings yet, but this would be the best time.



   "I-I l-like you, too," Namjoon said quietly while playing with his fingers.

   "Really?!" the blind girl exclaimed excitedly.


   "Does that mean you're my boyfriend now?"


   "Yoo-hoo! Y/N! Namjoon! I'm back from the store! Are you two having fun?" the old woman asked from behind Namjoon, causing him to jump. Namjoon blushed red in embarrassment and avoided eye contact as he replied.

   Namjoon then got a notification from his manager, calling the members for a last minute meeting.

   "Halmeoni, I must leave for a meeting now," said Namjoon.

   "Aww, that's too bad. Take care, Namjoon!"

   "Bye! See you later b—Y/N," Namjoon said while kissing the top of the girl's head.

   "Bye Namjoonie!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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