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New chapter for Namjoon's birthday!!! Enjoy~~<3

Also, these chapters are all going to be extremely short. Just saying.


   Kim Namjoon peeked out of the curtain from the backstage of the fan meet nervously before softly closing it and trudging over to the couch. Today, Namjoon felt like doing absolutely nothing, and he really didn't feel like conversing with people. But ARMY paid good money for this opportunity, so the leader would have to suck it up and get on with it.

   A harsh sigh left Namjoon's lips as he collapsed onto the sofa beside Yoongi, who chuckled silently at his dongsaeng.

   "You good, Joon?"

   Namjoon glared at his hyung. Yoongi snickered.

   "Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!" Namjoon boredly glanced up. "Are you excited to meet more ARMY?" Jungkook excitedly asked, his right foot thumping against the floor like a bunny.

   "I guess," Namjoon shortly replied. Jungkook's smile dropped.

   "Are you okay, Joonie hyung?" Namjoon forced a smile.

   "I'm fine, Kook. Go finish getting ready; we go on soon." Jungkook nodded hesitantly and bounced away.

   Namjoon put his head in his hands and groaned loudly whenever the staff called them to go to the stage. "Why?" was all he could think as he threw himself off the couch and slugged forward.


   The event went as they usually did. They performed a couple of songs, answered some questions, and finally, sat down for the actual meeting. Namjoon was mentally and physically exhausted, but he continued to put up the "I'm okay" act. And, of course, nobody noticed, so there was nothing he could really do about it. Namjoon sighed again inwardly. Almost done, Namjoon. Almost done.

   "Uh." Namjoon is snapped out of his thoughts by a girl before him.

   "Hi!" the girl said cheerily.

   "Hello, what's your name?" Namjoon replied politely.

   "I'm Y/N," she giggled.

   "Ah, your name is so cute!" The girl blushed furiously and softly smiled.

   Namjoon couldn't take his eyes off her. She was. . . beautiful. He hadn't seen someone who looked so ethereal without even trying in his life.

   However, her eyes were covered up with blackout sunglasses. He couldn't stare into them correctly.

   "Why are you wearing glasses?" Namjoon blurted out. He internally facepalmed himself once he realized how rude that question probably sounded.

   "Oh," the girl giggled again. Her smile was adorable.

   "I'm blind."



Appreciate the beauty with me:

Appreciate the beauty with me:

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Anyways, next chapter probably won't be out until next week even though I'm finished with it lolol. But I kinda want to finish it before posting the rest of the chapters. We'll see though.

Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help. Bye friends~~<3

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