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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

Warning: Character Death


   A few months pass and Namjoon and Y/N's relationship gets stronger while the old woman's health grew weaker. Y/N being the oblivious girl she was, didn't exactly notice a difference in her behavior. She just assumed that she was extra nice.

   The old woman coughed in private and her weight dropped heavily due to lack of appetite, but of course Y/N didn't know this because she couldn't see her. However, she did notice her wheezing, but the woman was laughing at the time, so she assumed it was because of that.

   But Namjoon noticed.

   He noticed the big and small changes in the old woman every time he went to their house. He witnessed her weight loss, her bloody coughing, her hurtful wheezing, her uncomfortable body aches. But naïve little Joonie just brushed it off as old age and continued on with his day, his IQ 148 brain failing him completely.

   And now the naïve couple had to face the consequences.

   Y/N woke up to a quiet house. There wasn't the usual radio playing, nor movement going on downstairs at all, which was quite unusual. Y/N's grandma was not the type of person to wallow in silence. Perhaps she overslept?

   "Grandmother?" the girl called out. There was no reply.

   "Grandma? Are you okay?"


   Y/N swung her legs over the bed and felt around the nightstand for her guiding pole and her phone. Once both were in hand, the girl slowly and steadily exited her room and carefully stepped down the stairs. Normally she had her grandma helping her, but this time she'd have to take the risk.

   Soon enough, the blind girl makes it down the stairs and made her way towards her caretaker's room. The silence was suffocating.

   Y/N knocked on the door. "Grandma? Are you in there?" She felt around for the doorhandle and pushed it open. "Are you in the bathroom?" she mumbled to herself while carefully looking for the bed.

   "Oh, there you are," Y/N said once she felt her grandma on the bed. "Grandma, why weren't you saying anything? Was it all just a prank?"

   No response.



   "Why are you being like this?" the girl huffed while shaking the woman.

   The woman made no movement.

   "Grandma?" She shook her again.

   "Grandma?!" Y/N felt around for her wrist. She gasped loudly when she felt how boney it was. "Oh my gosh," she heaved out. "G-Grandma, please get up," she pleaded. Y/N felt for a pulse. "N-No! Grandma! WAKE UP!"

   Tears streamed down Y/N's lips uncontrollably as she sobbed loudly. Was she actually gone?

   "S-Siri, call J-Joonie," the scared girl choked out.

   "Calling 'Joonie'."


   Namjoon breathlessly trotted off the stage and collapsed onto a sofa after a staff member handed him a water bottle. The boys had a ten minute break, and Namjoon was already ready to go home.

   The rapper soon felt his phone vibrate from beside him. He recognized the caller as his girlfriend and quickly answered the call.

   "Hey Y/N, what's up? I'm at a concert right now—"

   "J-Joonie, h-help me! S-She's not breathing—!"

   "Wait, wait, wait, baby, what?" Namjoon asked with furrowed brows.

   "N-Namjoon, m-my grandma isn't breathing a-anymore!"

   "WHAT?!" Namjoon shouted while jumping to his feet, attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

   "Y-Yeah, I-I-I can't feel her pulse anymore, Joonie!" Y/N sobbed.

   "H-Hold on, baby, I'll be right there, honey, okay? If you can, try and unlock the door for me, but otherwise I want you to try and control your breathing and take deep breaths of air. Also, call the police, okay?"


   "Good girl, sweetheart. Alright, baby, I love you and I'll see you as fast as I can." Namjoon hung up the phone.

   "No, you are freaking not." Namjoon looked up and made eye contact with Yoongi's glare.

   "Yes, I freaking am, Hyung," Namjoon snarled.

   "We're in the middle of a freaking concert right now, Namjoon!" Yoongi snapped. "Is your little toy more important than our fans who paid good money to see us?!"

   "MY BLIND GIRLFRIEND'S CARETAKER IS NOT BREATHING RIGHT NOW!" Namjoon roared, causing everyone in the room to turn towards them. "If you're asking me if my blind girlfriend's dilemma right now is more important than a concert you can easily cover me for, then yes, my 'toy' is a thousand times more important." Yoongi's mouth snapped closed and he looked down at the ground guiltily, following the rest of Bangtan. They had been thinking the same thing, but only Yoongi was brave enough to voice his thoughts out.

   "Yoongi and Hoseok, please take over my lines—and just tell the fans that an urgent family matter came up and I had to go. Now, if you'll excuse me," Namjoon said, not even bothering with addressing the elder's respectfully, and sprinted out of the venue.


I hope you all enjoyed this depressing chapter! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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