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Last part!!! (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') Enjoy~~<3


   "Joonie, Joonie, Joonie, JOONIE!" Y/N called out excitedly. "Today's the day~!" Namjoon giggled.

   "Yes, it is."

   It had been a couple of years since Namjoon and Y/N had met and technology has exceeded greatly. At last, science has created contacts for blind people that can't get their blindness fixed by surgery, such as Y/N. After over twenty years of waiting, Y/N would finally be able to see!

   A sudden knock on the door caused both of them to jump.

   "It's here!" Y/N screamed. Namjoon rushed over to the door and quickly grabbed the box outside.

   "Joonie! Hurry!" Namjoon grandma-fast walked back over to the couch and opened the box with a knife. The leader carefully pulled the contacts out of the box and opened the case.

   "Come here, baby. I want to be the first person and thing that you see." Y/N nodded and let Namjoon lead her over to a spot.

   "Are you ready?"

   "As ready as I'll ever be."

   Namjoon carefully took hold of each contact and placed them into Y/N's eyes. The blind girl blinked multiple times in order to get used to them and the sudden blinding light before gasping loudly at the sight of Namjoon in all of his glory. Tears filled her eyes.


   Namjoon cut her off when he got down on one knee. Y/N's jaw dropped.

   "Baby, you are the light of my life. I never knew how lonely I was until you came into my life." Namjoon opened his jacket and pulled out a small box.

   "Through thick and through thin, I know that I will always love you. Baby, will you make me even more happy than I already am and marry me?"

   Y/N sobbed loudly and attacked Namjoon into a flying hug.



It's done guys!!! I'm feeling so sad that my second book is done>.< but guys I'mma post a new book on November 30 (Monday). It was originally on December 1 but that isn't a Monday and I want to keep my schedule the same.

The new book will be a Taehyung x Reader book!!! Here's the cover:

The new book will be a Taehyung x Reader book!!! Here's the cover:

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Be on the lookout guys and thanks for reading!!! Bye bye~~<3

Love is Blind | Namjoon x Reader | Short Story✔Where stories live. Discover now