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New chapter!!! This chapter is dedicated to my best friend! So, I forced her to read "He's Dead" and she hates me now because of the most recent chapter XD so I said I'd update this once for her as a reward lol.


Enjoy Leela and friends!!!!!~~<3 


   Namjoon's world came crashing down.

   "Oh no! Baby, I'm sorry," Namjoon apologized with his head lowered shamefully, not realizing the pet name that popped out of his mouth.

   "No, no, no, it's okay! I'm used to it," the girl smiled while attempting to find Namjoon's hand. Namjoon noticed this and grabbed her wandering hand.

   "Baby, you shouldn't be used to this. It's not right. I shouldn't have pried; I'm so sorry," Namjoon said sorrowfully. The girl blushed once she recognized the pet name.

   "Joonie, really, it's okay." Now it was Namjoon's turn to blush. That nickname coming from her sounded so right.

   "It's really not, but I'll let it go. For now." The girl giggled and covered her mouth with her free hand. Namjoon smiled lovingly at the sound. Was this what they called love at first sight?

   "Did you come here with anyone, baby?" Namjoon asked once he realized he was staring.

   "Duh, obviously! Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to get here." Namjoon nodded sadly before he realized that she couldn't see him. He replied with a small, "Oh."

   "She's over there, look, see?" Y/N pointed to a woman that was coincidentally only a few feet away from them. "She's my grandma who takes care of me!" Namjoon chuckled softly. He was sure that if he could see her eyes, they'd be sparkling despite her disability of blindness.

   Namjoon smiled towards the old lady. She grinned and gave him a thumbs up and winked, almost like she knew that Namjoon had already fallen in love.

   Quickly, Namjoon took hold of the girl's album and quickly signed it before slipping and extra sheet of paper with his number on it into it.

   "Baby, I slipped a note in your album. Give it to your grandma right when you get home, okay?" The girl nodded excitedly and grinned widely.

   Namjoon wanted to kiss her. Yes, he literally just met her, but he already knew that there would never be another girl for him. She was the one.

   Namjoon reached out with his free hand and cupped her cheek. She flinched before relaxing into his hold.

   "You're so beautiful, baby," Namjoon whispered softly. Jin, who was right beside him, looked at the leader in surprise before he forced himself to look away and focus on the fan in front of him.

   "Am I, though? I've never seen myself before." Namjoon's heart broke.

   "Yes, baby, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I guess I'll just have to remind you every day," Namjoon grinned, hinting at something.

   "How though? I'm me, and you're. . . you," Y/N replied, obviously not comprehending Namjoon's hint.

   "You'll see, baby," Namjoon laughed lightheartedly. If only she knew. Well, she will.

   "Uhm, okay," she smiled confusedly. "I—"

   "Times up. Move along," a staff member said from behind Namjoon. His smile fell, but immediately came back once he saw the girl's cute pout.

   "We'll meet again, baby. I promise." The girl smiled again before bidding farewell and moving onto the next member.

   The other members of BTS were quite awkward with the girl once they found out about her disability. They didn't know exactly what to say, which saddened the girl, but she was okay. She already expected it. At least she got to talk freely with her bias.

   Once the girl reached home, she excitedly gave her album to her grandma, eager to find out what Namjoon put into the note. She was quite surprised when her grandma read out a phone number. So, this is what Namjoon meant?

   The girl clutched her album and the note to her chest as she rolled around on her bed, listening to RM's mixtapes. What should she do with the phone number? She'd already had her grandma add his number into her cell phone.

   The girl shrugged her shoulders and jutted out her bottom lip.

   "Hey Siri? Call 'Joonie'."


I hope you guys enjoyed!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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