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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "I'm so sorry, ma'am, but you have unfortunately been diagnosed with lung cancer."

   The old woman leaned back in her chair with a dazed expression on her face. Lung cancer? What the heck?

   "How?" the woman questioned the doctor.

   "Well, do you have a history in smoking?" asked the doctor.

   "No, I've never smoked a stick," she replied, "but both my parents used to."

   "You've most likely contracted it from second-hand smoking." The old woman closed her eyes and sighed.

   "Is it curable?"

   "Um, with the fact of your age, probably not. It's too risky," answered the doctor.

   "How much time do I have left?"

   The doctor gazed upon the woman with sad eyes.

   "Around six months."

   The old woman's eyes widened, and her thoughts immediately began racing. What about Y/N? She was the closest thing to family that the blind girl had!

   "What're you thinking of ma'am?" asked the doctor.

   "My granddaughter. I can't leave her here on Earth alone—she's blind!" the woman exclaimed.

   "Does she have any friends?"

   ". . . Well, she has a friend-boy that might be her boyfriend now, but he's an idol and they only see each other once or twice a week."

   "I assume that her boyfriend will be more than willing to take her in if he's willing to date a blind person. What's the idol's name?" questioned the doctor.

   "Uh, I don't know his stage name or if he's in a band or not, but his real name is Kim Namjoon," the lady answered.

   "Oh, really? The leader of BTS?"

   "Oh yeah! We met him at his fan meet. I forgot about that."

   "If it's him, then you have nothing to worry about," the doctor smiled reassuringly. The old woman smiled slightly before it dropped at the thought of her oncoming doom.

   "Well, madam, that's all I had to discuss with you about. You're free to go," said the doctor.

   "All right. Thank you, sir," sighed the woman as she collected her things and exited the hospital.

   The old woman didn't plan on telling Y/N about her disease. She was too afraid, and she didn't want to witness her reaction. She could call Namjoon, but she was also terrified of his reaction, too.

   You could call her a coward, but could you really blame her?



I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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