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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "Grandmommy! It's time to go!" the young girl exclaims, trying to speed walk as fast as she could with her guiding pole.

   "I'm right beside you, silly girl. I know you're excited, but you gotta be patient!" the old woman chuckles with a cough as she takes hold of the girl's hand.

   It was that Sunday after church, and Y/N and her grandma were on their way to meet Namjoon. They both had decided to go to a park.

   "Y/N, we're here!" the old woman said after some time in the car. "Let me call Namjoon-ah so he can meet us." Y/N nods her head and plays with her fingers.

   Soon enough, the old lady ended the call with Namjoon and was helping Y/N out of the car. She swung her hand around excitedly as they both walked in the direction Namjoon was in.

   "Oh! There he is," the old woman suddenly exclaimed while waving excitedly to Namjoon, who was playing on his phone on a park bench.

   "Y/N!" he yelled when he caught sight of the girl.


   Namjoon ran excitedly to the girl and pulled her into an unexpected hug. She squeaked in surprise before relaxing into his embrace.

   "Aww, you guys are so cute," the old woman cooed as she took a picture secretly. The girl's face turned red and she buried her face into Namjoon's chest. Namjoon chuckled and rested his head on top of her head.

   "Well, lovebirds, I've gotta run by the store real fast. I'll be back later," the woman said while pivoting gracefully on her heels.

   The girl's head snapped up. "Wait, wha—"

   "You'll be alright, sweetheart. Namjoon will take care of you for a few hours, right?"

   Namjoon blinked a couple of times. "I—Uh, y-yes, ma'am," he replied, flustered.

   "Good! Well, you two have fun! Bye kids." Y/N's grandma walked away.

   "Joonie?" The girl suddenly called, trying to find Namjoon's chest.

   "Yes, baby?" Namjoon replied while wrapping his arms around the blind girl's waist. "Did you need something?" he whispered huskily into the girl's ear.

   "Can we get ice cream?"

   Namjoon burst out into laughter while Y/N just sat there in confusion. "Why you laugh?" she cocked her head to the side.

   "No reason, baby. Let's go get you that ice cream."


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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