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New chapter after my surgery!!! Enjoy~~<3


   Namjoon knocked on the door to the old lady's house late at night. He had no intentions in going back to his dorm, and his feet dragged him over to Y/N's house, where he had only been once before.

   The door swung open, revealing Y/N's grandma.

   "Namjoon? What're you doing here so late?" the woman asked while muffling a cough.

   "Ah, I'm sorry Halmeoni. I just . . . really don't want to go home," he whispered, angry tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

   "Well, come in then! Y/N is upstairs in her room; let me lead you to her." Namjoon nodded without lifting his gaze and followed the women through the house. Soon enough, they stopped in front of a door on the top floor. The woman knocked.

   "Y/N? Someone's here to see you," she said softly while slowly opening the door.

   "Hmm? Who is it?" Y/N questioned while pausing her music. Namjoon didn't say anything and just walked into her room and climbed onto her bed before pulling her into his embrace while they were lying down. Y/N got extremely startled until she inhaled his scent and recognized him.

   "J-Joonie?" she questioned. Namjoon responded by burying his face in her hair. Y/N's grandma smiled and closed the door behind her before she suddenly erupted into a coughing fit. Once she was done, she shook it off, not noticing the blood on her hand, and left while humming happily.

   "Joonie? What's wrong? Did something happen—?"

   "I love you, baby."

   Y/N froze.


   "You heard me. I love you so much. You're so perfect," Namjoon whispered while smiling sweetly to himself.

   "I—. . . What made you suddenly say this?" the girl asked quietly.

   "I just wanted to remind you of how amazing you are. Your disability won't make me change my mind or alter my feelings."

   "Joonie, did something happen?"

   "The members don't want me to hang out with you anymore. They say that I spend all of my free time with you," the rapper snarled.

   "But you see me once a week?"

   "I know. They're just being selfish," Namjoon sighed.

   "Did they say anything about me . . ?" the girl started.

   "They were so mean, baby. So mean," he whispered.

   "That's quite alright, Oppa. As long as I love you and you love me, no one can separate us."

   "Y-You love me?" Namjoon's eyes widened.

   "Y-Yeah." Y/N buried her head into Namjoon's chest. His face broke out into his beautiful, dimpled smile and he kissed the girl all over her face. She loved him, too!

   Namjoon's eyes moved to Y/N's lips.

   "B-Baby, I—. . . C-Can I kiss you?" Y/N looked taken aback before she shyly nodded her head. Namjoon grinned before grabbing Y/N's face gently and pulled it towards his own. Namjoon's eyes fluttered closed as he softly pressed his soft lips against hers.

   The kiss was very sweet and passionate. There was no urgency or roughness in the kiss as Namjoon's lips moved slowly with the blind girl's.

   After a couple of minutes, Namjoon decided to deepen the kiss by softly licking her bottom lip. She opened her mouth a little in surprise, giving Namjoon the chance to insert his tongue. He explored all throughout her mouth, Y/N doing the same thing once she realized that was what you were supposed to do.

   Saliva mixing, Namjoon gently pushed Y/N down onto her bed and climbed on top of her. Y/N's hand tugged on Namjoon's hair, causing him to groan into her mouth.

   Minutes later, Namjoon pulls away, matching Y/N's heavy panting. Namjoon giggles a bit once he sees her eyes sparkling on top of the cloudiness.

   "Baby, how was that?" Namjoon asked with his head cocked to the side.

   "W-Wow," she heaved out. Namjoon giggled again and collapsed onto the bed, where he climbed underneath the covers, pulling Y/N with him.

   "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Namjoon asked with a new profound confidence.

   "S-Sure," she stuttered with a faint blush on her cheeks. Namjoon smiled widely with his prominent dimples showing and pecked her lips once more time before spooning her. A satisfied sigh left the girl's mouth as she leaned more onto Namjoon's chest.

   "Wait a minute. Did you just call me 'Oppa'?" Namjoon suddenly questioned.

   "W-What? N-No! G-Go to sleep!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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