Look Who's Back

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"Good morning National City, what an exclusive we have for you today. A year after we watched Supergirl - Kara Danvers - get shot at, only to be saved by Wonder Woman herself, rumour has it they are back. Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor disappeared a year ago, by all accounts hopped on a ship and fled into space as our government hunter the Super down."

"It would seem like, according to sources that a ship has landed, bringing with it our resident Superhero and L-Corp's CEO with it. I for one and glad to have them back, but I can't help but wonder... are they the same people who left a year ago? A year away can change people and if the rumours are true... they didn't return alone."

"Has National City's power couple become parents in their time away? Stay tuned for more updates."

Kara turned the TV off, the news circling their return and nothing but their return. Surely there was something else people could focus on? They had only been back a few hours and already they were the talk of the city.

"Was it too much to ask that we get one day of peace before the media storm that is National City's tabloids?" Groaning to the heavens, Kara turned to find Lena in the kitchen holding Lara.

"What did you expect? We've been gone a year, we got more time than I thought before rumours hit the news." Lara started fussing, Lena struggling to hold her and grab a bottle. "Can you give me a hand please?"

Before she could finish speaking, Kara was standing in front of her, bottle in hand for Lara, smiling at Lena. "Parenting just got easier at least."

Laughing, Kara took Lara from Lena, rocking her as she gave her the bottle. "Until she starts developing powers at least." Lena froze, her face draining completely. "You forgot about that didn't you?"

"Maybe." Leaving Kara looking after Lara, Lena disappeared to get changed, the family expecting Sam over any minute to help with getting Lena up to speed on L-Corp.

After a few minutes, she reappeared in a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt, not expecting to leave the apartment today, even if Sam was coming over. "Do you want to get changed or are you staying like that?" She gestured to Kara's dress from Argo, the more formal than needed attire Alura had got them to wear.

"I'm going to change, but I wanted to get her fed and sleeping before Sam got here." Looking down at the baby in her arms, the bottle was almost empty already, Lara practically asleep as she drank. "Which seems to have worked."

A knock sounded at the door, Kara x-raying it quickly before taking Lara to her room.

"I take it that's Sam?" Lena's question was answered when she opened the door, Sam standing on the other side, arms full with paperwork and laptop bag thrown over her shoulder.

Taking the paperwork from her, Lena led her to the dining table. "Not using the study yet?" Sam's question came as she set her laptop bag on a chair, getting everything ready for the several hours they were going to be spending catching up on business.

"Not yet, Kara's going to need some of this anyway, so I've decided she's just going to sit with us so I don't have to tell her later." They hadn't told anyone, but with Lara they weren't going entirely back to normal, Supergirl would be coming back, but Kara wasn't going back to being a reporter.

"Okay then. I'm going to go over everything L-Corp related, but to catch you up on CatCo you are going to have to deal with Cat at some point." Sitting down, the CFO laughed at the grimace on Lena's face.

"That is not a conversation I am looking forward to."

Kara appeared, baby monitor in hand before Sam could reply. "That is a conversation none of us are looking forward to, except for Cat." As if on cue, Kara's phone started ringing, her old number finally reactivated on their return. "Speak of the devil and she calls. Why did we reactivate our numbers already?"

Shaking head, Lena didn't answer, instead choosing to sit at the table with Sam as Kara answered the phone. The blonde didn't even have the chance to say 'hello', Cat shouting at her the moment the call connected, Kara pulling the phone from her ear.

The trio could all hear Cat's rant, Kara putting the call on speaker to save them time. Sam would probably be in the loop for some of this with being L-Corp's CFO.

"KEIRA! You have some nerve coming back after a year with no word. Not even a goodbye? That was just cruel. Lena when can I meet with you to discuss your transition back to CEO and reinstating the idiot reporter you call a wife?" By the time she finished, she had calmed down, much to the thanks of Kara's hearing.

Laughing, Lena admitting she had missed the Queen of all Media. "How did you know I'd be listening?"

"Keira is a puppy, the chance of her not having backup for the chat she no doubt thought I'd give her was impossible. So when can I meet with you?"

Muting the phone Kara had placed between them, Lena looked to her wife for an idea. "I don't really feel like going to the office until we know more about when my powers are going to kick in."

"And I'd rather not leave Lara so soon after coming back."

"Which leaves us one option."

"Have her come here."

Sam watched the two finish the sentence, the two having gotten impossibly in sync while away. 

Unmuting the call, Lena looked at her wife as she finally answered Cat. "You can come to my penthouse. I've got Sam here today to talk about L-Corp, so why don't you come round tomorrow?" It was soon, but Cat wasn't going to give them long.

"Perfect. I will see you tomorrow and not a day longer." The call disconnected instantly, Cat having got what she wanted.

Putting her head on the table, Kara looked up at Sam trying not to laugh at her. "Laugh, I would too if I didn't have to deal with her tomorrow." Given permission, Sam couldn't help but laugh a little at the situation her friends had found them in, but at the same time glad they were back.

Groaning, Kara sat up to pay attention to what Sam was going to say, eyes widening at the pile of paperwork. "It's not too late to go back is it?"

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