"Why do they always run?"

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A/N - Thank you for the get well comments, they are appreciated. An overdue chapter that is a little longer than normal. What a difference one day of productivity does. I hope you enjoy.


Sitting in the lounge, Kara and Lena were online shopping for Kara's new wardrobe, her old one having been deemed unworthy of a CEO. Kara tilted her head as the door to the elevator started opening on their floor.

"Someone's here." Without asking, Lena extricated herself from Kara's side, one hand keeping hold of the laptop they had been using. Kara standing, ready to answer the door.

"Who is it?"

Using her x-ray vision Kara sighed. "It's the guy with my new CatCo phone and laptop."

Sitting up fully, Lena pushed the glasses on her face up a little higher. "It's almost ten o'clock."

Moving to the door, she nodded. "I know. He doesn't have any weapons on him if that makes you feel any better."

"Ha ha. Very funny. Just don't let him knock and wake Lara." As she spoke, Kara opened the door, the man on the other side ready to knock.

"Miss-Mrs Danvers. I have your Catco issued phone and laptop." Holding out the shoulder bag in his hand, he smiled as Kara stood looking at him.

Hesitantly, Kara took the bag from him. "Thank you." As soon as her hand was at her side, she pushed the door closed in his face, something picking at the back of her mind. Trying to x-ray the case, Kara clearly saw her laptop and phone, but something didn't feel right.

"Lena, why didn't we get a call from your security downstairs someone was coming up?" Tuning all her senses to the bag, she heard a small ticking sound, barely perceptible. Looking closer, Kara's eyes widened as she realised the bottom was lined with lead.

Using super speed, she opened the bag, dumping the phone and laptop on the table, ripping off the fabric from the bottom to find a timer. "What's wrong?"

"There's a bomb in the bag." Picking it up, Kara ran for the balcony. Flying as soon as she was outside, Lena watched her her disappear like a bullet into the sky.

Getting as high as she could, Kara kept a mental count of the timer, throwing it at the last second. The explosion above her head sent her spinning slightly, regaining her balance in the air long before she hit the ground.

Waiting to make sure everything was safe, Kara dropped back down to the balcony, Lena waiting for her. "Are you okay?"

Lena smiled. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

Shrugging, Kara pulled her in for a hug. "No, but I love it when you do."

Humming, Lena wrapped her arms around Kara for a second. "I need to check on Lara."

Kara tightened her hold. "She's still sleeping. Although, first thing I think we need to do is understand what just happened."

Pulling back, Kara let Lena lean back to look at her. "What just happened is someone tried to blow us up our second day here."

"I know that, but I meant why was someone from Catco trying to blow us up?" Kara kissed Lena's forehead. "Assuming the laptop and phone are genuine."

Together, they went over to the laptop and phone, both indeed genuine and appearing with Catco's logo when they powered on. "Looks like I'm going to work earlier than expected." Sighing, she leaned back against the sofa, Lena watching her.

"No, we're going."

"You can't leave, not yet. Your powers could come in at any moment." Kara felt her hand on her leg, Lena's thumb rubbing over her knee.

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