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The adrenaline I felt today is still flowing in my body, thoughts rush through my mind and my inner self tells me to elaborate plan A, B and C in case something goes wrong. Marcus already put the keys back into the envelope but we're planning on taking them out tomorrow and replace them with some cheap copies so whenever my father opens the envelope he believes they're there and not missing.

During dinner my father asked questions about how we're feeling and where did my brother and I go so we lied and told him we met some people from our teams and hung out for a while; we obviously practiced our alibi to sound more convincing. Ever since Marcus and I were kids, we'd get in trouble and try to come up with stories to get away with it in the moment but we could never get it through because one of us would totally mess up one small detail. You see, living and growing up in a household full of mafia members is hell; you can never get away with anything because they'll know you're lying, one way or another. That's when training comes in handy. It helps you create a strategy, plot line and even make sure the people you mention won't get asked any questions. This way Marcus and I have fooled my father a couple times.

After dinner and chatting with the family for a bit, I go back to my room and shower for the second time of the day and put on the best cologne on my neck and wrists, slip on a pair of black jeans and on my upper body I just put on a light hoodie, no shirt under so I don't sweat that much. The amount of effort I put into looking and smelling good for Taylor Marie is absurd but worth it, especially if we're going to be driving around for a while with the heat on.

Outside the weather is so cold that usually I just stay in and watch movies but today is different because I'm actually willing to get out of bed for a girl and not vice versa as I generally do. Tomorrow's the funeral so I guess we'd rather enjoy some time before crying our eyes out.

"Cam?" Aaron's head pops up on my open bedroom door.

"Come in." I say. "What's up?"

"Where did you really go with Marcus today?" He sits on my bed and I choose to sit beside him.

"Hang out with the boys, why?"

"I know you didn't meet anyone, dad might have bought it but you can't fool me. I saw Marc return something in his office." He pushes and I sigh. "See? I'm right, what are you guys doing?"

"Aaron, it has to do with me so when I know what is going on I promise I'll tell you." I tell him sincerely and he frowns.

"Are you kidding? How can you not know?" He hisses and hits my knee.

"I swear! We're trying to figure out exactly what it is before I can even talk about it. Dad can't know because he's hiding something from us too so we're trying to beat him to it." I say and his eyes widen. "I beg you, don't say anything."

"I won't but please once you know tell me so I can help you." He says and we exchange a few more words before he gets out of my room to go play video games to the game room.

Rushing downstairs I slip on the last step of the stairs startling my mother who's sitting on the couch watching the Bachelor and Marcus comes running from the kitchen towards me with a knife on his hand before both of them burst into laughter as I struggle to get up without wincing in pain. I scoff at them once I'm fully on my feet but they won't stop wheezing and coughing because of how hard they're laughing.

"Yeah guys, I get it! Cameron fell on his ass and it's the funniest shit you've seen." I say and my brother puts a hand on my shoulder, gives me one last amused look and returns to the kitchen.

"Aw baby, come sit with momma." Mom says from the couch and I walk over to sit next to her. "Are you okay?" She laughs a little but clears her throat to hide it.

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