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As people run in and out of the house, shooting, fighting and yelling, I join them by grabbing two guns and going outside as fast as I can. It's uncomfortable to run but I pay no mind to it as my only focus is beating people's asses.

"Alexander, where are they?!" I yell once I spot him behind a tree.

"They're coming from there," He points to a trail that goes up the mount. I spot people in black suits running down and shooting as they hide behind trees and quickly hide behind one before I start pointing and shooting.

After taking down a few men I look around to find Ava or Marcus to make sure they're alright but the only one I spot is Luke focused on giving instructions to the guys he is in charge of. He's focused and determined to get this over with, I'm amazed by it because the first time I saw him I thought he was just a tall, lanky dude who would only ever take orders from superiors but now I'm looking at him being the superior.

"Holland!" I hear Lee call. "Watch out!" He says and pulls me down as a bullet impacts on the tree behind me.

"Shit, thanks." I say and he nods before going. I shake my head and choose to focus on what's going on now, I'll look for my brother and Ava after I'm done but right now I'm needed here.

The guys and I keep defending in the front for a while. We were ten but two were shot dead on the spot which caused me to impulsively run up two of the men that were shooting us along with two of my men and tackle them to the ground before killing them. My ribs are back at it again, bothering me, it's more of a pokey feeling instead of painful but if I can still walk and move around I'm alright.

Behind me Luca and his men join us as we keep shooting while some people go straight to body combat. These men are equipped with knives, guns, everything and are trying to sneak into the house. We identified them and they're both Russian and from my father's teams as some familiar faces come to view.

"Luca!" I call out.


"Where are Marcus and Ava?" I ask hoping he tells me exactly where they are so I can go with them.

"I don't know! They must be in the back." He replies but it's not enough for me. What if something happens? How's Marcus? Is my father here yet?

"I'll go find them, you stay here covering!" I say and before he can object I leave, running fast and covering myself, hiding behind the trees as the shooting doesn't stop and people desperately defend the front.

My mind is someplace else as I try to look for them that I don't realize someone's running towards me. I'm tackled to the ground and I feel a sharp pain that doesn't last long on my chest and I find Samuel over me, straddling me and he wastes no time on punching my face hard. As I try to defend myself by putting my arms in front of my face, it's getting harder to breathe.

"I can finally get my revenge!" He yells and tries to choke me. I grab his wrists and try my best to push him away but he's strong and for some reasons my muscles aren't responding like I was hoping. He's skilled and I can tell he's trained a lot since I saw him last.

"Fuck you!" I yell. "You finally grew a pair." I tease him and push him off of me, turning things around and now it's me who's on top of him beating him up.

"You're ridiculous." He mumbles as I mercilessly punch his face, blocking his arms by kneeling on them. I get tired and decide to choke him, wrapping my hands around his neck and pressing hard.

"How can you sleep at night knowing you killed an innocent young woman?! And it was all to not send her to the mafia." He says and I know exactly what he's talking about.

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