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Marcus' POV.

We waited almost six hours in the waiting room hoping for news about Cameron. Ava and Luca arrived only minutes after he was rushed into surgery and sat with me, holding me and telling me that everything was going to be alright. The thought of my brother leaving me never crossed my mind until I was put in the situation where I could expect the best but also prepare for the worst and I hated every second of every hour spent in that waiting room. The nurses would come every hour to tell me how it was going but only for the first three before they stopped their hourly updates. Ava left my side for a little to go to the hospital's chapel to pray for my brother while Luca remained by my side. Even though it was mostly silence I appreciated him for being there, I didn't need to talk, I needed to think and pray, beg that my brother made it out alive.

As for Aaron, I had Cameron's phone when he called and when I updated him on everything, he decided to take the first plane to California to join us and I took the time to call Charlie to let him know too because, after all, Cameron risked everything to save him.

The things I went through with Cameron, all the training, all the progress we did together as members of a mafia, as brothers, as everything came flooding my mind. How we took care of each other until the very end, how he almost died trying to save me, he never batted an eye when it came down to putting other people first...truly admirable but also maddening. I remember when my mother used to have her heart on her throat every time Cameron did something or went to missions because she knew how selfless he was, how easy it was for him to make decisions if it was to make sure everybody was alright.

When Cameron was little we all knew he would eventually surpass my father in every skill and he even knew that. He got him ready, he showed him things he didn't want to show me because he knew how amazing, smart and talented he was for this and the position of leader but never in a million years we thought that Cameron would be given the position of leader of one of the biggest mafias and much less that he would confront our father to save the world from two psychopaths that wanted to destroy it and cause a war.

"Cameron had and will always be my inspiration for everything. Ever since he came out of my mother's womb he taught me things. He taught me to share, to care, to protect but over all those things he taught me how to be a brother. If we all had the time I'm sure I would still be up here talking about how great my brother is and all of you here would probably say something he's done for you or with you.

He had a tendency to make everyone smile even in the worst situations he would try to ease it by making jokes or if things got really hard he would be the first one to offer a hug...and they were the best hugs. It's really funny because when people described Cameron to me, when they first met him I mean, they'd say he's a very serious dude...a cool guy but serious, scary and really intimidating but I knew they'd warm up to him and soon enough they'd love him as much as I do.

When my brother loves, he loves deeply. He might have not said it to people a lot because he hated to be vulnerable or seen as someone 'soft', especially by our father but there's no denying that he showed it in his own special way and there is also no denying that he deserved love, all the love, he deserved more.

Sometimes life is unpredictable...so unpredictable that I can't believe this is my third time coming to one of these in less than a year and each time I feel like I have lost a part of me too that will never come back. Then after, when time passes some people call it growth, some people call it 'moving on' and some people say this makes you stronger but what I think is that, no matter what you say to pull yourself together, there's always going to be that feeling, that one feeling that makes you crumble down and yell how unfair life is.

Cameron was an exceptional man with goals and wishes to change the fucked up world we live in from the position he was in. Regardless of the tragedy that happened, he will go down as a hero, as someone who put his life in danger to save the ones he loved and he did it with no hesitation, no doubts, only action and no second thoughts." I finish speaking while a waterfall comes out of my eyes. Everyone is moved and crying with me, Aaron, Ava, Luca, Charlie and his family, Charlotte, his team, my team and people who love and appreciate Cameron are here to say goodbye. The amount of people who knew my brother and are here today amaze me, all of them came to me and Aaron to say how much he did for them, how great of a friend he was and how amazing it was to know him. I'm proud, I'm so proud of my brother...he did what many feared and I'll try to be half as amazing as he was. Aaron comes up to me and we both walk towards the casket, teary eyed along with Ava, Charlotte, Charlie and Luca to say our last goodbyes before the burial and chills run down my spine.

We walk to the yard where everything is ready for him to be buried. We say a prayer as they down the casket slowly as people throw white roses and dirt as he goes. This is painful to do but I decide to be the last one, asking people to please give me space for a few seconds. I grab the last rose and kneel down, looking up to the sky letting my tears flow as I say one last prayer.

"Until we meet again, brother. I love you and I'll always miss you."


A/N: THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you liked this book as much as me. Thank you for reading it, for voting on it, for the comments, everything. I'll see you in my upcoming books! Thank you again♥

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