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My father has contacted and warned us about what's to come. I put the codes somewhere safe where he'd never think of searching and even if he found the place, he would not be able to get them.

Everyone has been training in these past few days. We arrived to a big house in the woods where Donna used to send her people to train and since then three of my teams of fifteen people have arrived to California and got to work along with Alexander's team while Marcus, Ava, Lee and Luke also joined. Although I have been resting, my mind has been all over the place unsure of what's going to happen but dedicated and determined to keep my loved ones safe. I've also been trying to get a hold of Aaron but at this point it's clear to me that he's with my father and there's no way he can get out of it without any help.

Ava and I are closer than we were before, we share a room and stay up talking about what we could do after all of this is over. My expectations of a life with her by my side increase and even though I'm scared about what the future holds for us, I'm ready to dive in. I've put her through a couple of worrisome situations due to my insecurities and issues but I've talked about it with her and apologized for not being more open. I like her and I care for her a lot so I'll put everything into being better for her.

As I hold one of the pills on my hand, hesitantly, I call Luke to drop his training for a second to help me out. Adderall is strong and as much as it help patiensts, it can go wrong if you don't take precautions. I want to take more than one but it scares me. However, I won't let them fight for me while I just watch. Luca is also downstairs talking to the security team who will alert us whenever they see someone come into the property. As far as we know, Alexander's father brought his best men just like my father handpicked the people who are set to attack us soon.

"You called?" Luke walks into my room, he's soaked in sweat as all they're doing is train until the limbs shake.

"I need to ask you something." I say.

"What?" He asks concerned but then looks at my hands seeing the pack of pills and shooting me a death glare. "These are strong but only will last up to four or six hours per dose. You don't have these prescribed, you don't know how it will affect you and you cannot abuse them because something bad will happen."

"At this point I don't care. I need to take it and what happens, I want to know if I'll be able to control it and how far I can go." I argue but he shakes his head.

"Dude, if you want to train right now I won't let you and I'll make sure to tell Luca what you want to do." He snaps.

"Luke." I huff. "I'm asking you kindly."

"I'm already fucking up by giving these to you, don't make me regret it." He says with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Fuck off then, go back outside." I roll my eyes and flop back on the bed after leaving the narcotic inside the drawer of my bedside table. Silence takes over the room but my thoughts are loud, I'm impatient, I need to know how it feels and I have to relieve the pain that causes my body to not be well enough to be out there with them. "Fuck it." I mumble and take out a one pill. I don't know how this will mix with my current medicine but I'll figure it out soon I guess.

After downing the pill I let half an hour pass until I start to feel a little more excited but also my body relaxes and the pain is almost gone. I stand up and notice that my ribs don't bother me as much, it's only a slight uncomfortable feeling and my entire body feels different. A smile forms on face and I quickly get ready to go downstairs and watch everyone as they train.

The moment I step on training grounds Luke rushes to my side and shields me from everyone before they see me, especially Ava.

"What are you doing down here? You won't recover like this, dude." He glares at me but I smile.

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