Chapter 1: The funeral

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Picture of Daniel Durey. (The boy in the photo is my little nephew).

Auriela's P.O.V:

"Danny! C'mon we're going to be late."

"Cwuming Ele."

I hear little footsteps shuffling down the hall towards me and I turn around after putting my heels on.

"Eleeee. Can you welp me wit my swoes?" My little brother asks frowning at his Nike's.

I Smile. "Sure thing Danny."

I crouch down in my black skinny jeans, black button up shirt with a knee-length black coat, and a nice hat and tie his shoes.

"You look weally pwetty Ele." My little brother compliments.

I look at him and Smile.

"Awwwww. Thanks my little gentleman. You're pretty Handsome yourself." I reply in awe.

He grins proudly and puffs his chest out making me laugh.

"Yes Ele. I'm wour wonly getelwan." He says proudly.

"Yes you are. C'mon we gotta go now." I tell him.

He frowns.

"Now we have twu see wold pwepwole and pwetend we like them when actwally we think they're wold and vewy bwoing aye Ele?" My little brother asks annoyed.

I shake my head and chuckle at his question. He's quite brainy for a three year old.

"Yes Danny. We have to put up and be nice to the old people." I tell him while emphasizing nice.

He pouts.

"I cwan't do twat Ele. I wate wearing them swaying they fweel sowwy when they dwidn't know anytwing." Danny says upset with tears flowing down his cheeks.

I pick him up and cuddle him after wiping his tears.

"It's okay Danny. If you don't want to talk to them just say you need to go potty or something disgusting to scare them off okay?" I say giving him a cheeky Smile.

He grins.

"I gwet pewission to scware wold pwepwole?" He says totally grinning from ear to ear.

"Yep." I reply.

"Yayyyyyyyyy!" He cheers and I laugh.

"Okay. Haha. Let's go." I say while locking the door and heading to my dad's Camero.

I place him In his car seat in the back and buckle him in. I then hop in and buckle up before heading to the church.

~2 hours later~

Danny's resting on my shoulder sleeping soundly while everyone I don't know start saying their condolences. I don't get it. I've never met these people before and they're all broken like seriously? They never once visited us before my parents were alive but when their dead they find time out of their "busy" schedules to send their condolences. What a load of crap. They shouldn't get the right to cry. There's this lady though that's really pissing me off. She's trying to make everyone feel sorry for her. She comes up to me and starts saying "how she loved them so much and misses them dearly." The thing that pissed me off was that she started lying by telling all these people that she always came to visit and that she was my mum and dad's bestfriend?!

"Uhm excuse!" I say angrily to this unwanted liar.

"Ye-yes?" She asks through fake tears.

"I would really appreciate it if you left and never came back." I tell her sweetly with the most fakest and biggest Smile I could muster.

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