Chapter 2: Welcome Home

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Picture of Auriela and Daniel's  new house.

Auriela's P.O.V:

"Where are these people?" I question myself.

We had just landed in Miami and my family dissapeared leaving Danny and myself to get lost in their airport.

"Auri! Hey Auri! Over here!" I hear someone shout.

I turn and see Will standing by the exit with his luggage. I quickly pick up Danny and Speedwalk to Will. Once I get there I punch his arm causing him to cry out in pain and Danny to laugh.

"Owww! What was that for?" Will asks still in pain.

"Dwat was fow ditching Ele and mwe." Danny replies while glaring at Will with his arms crossed. I chuckle. We are definitely related by blood.

"I didn't mean too. I got carried away." Will says while bopping his shoulders slightly.

I know his hiding or lying about something because that's what he does when he is.

"Mmmmm. That's so true." I reply.

He gulps when he finally notices that I know something's up.

"Well, Let's go." He says turning around and getting ready to leave.

"Where's the others?" I ask.

"They had to go with dad to sort the house out and that." Will replies.

"Okay." I say.

We walk out and head to this red Ferrari. Typical Will.

"Meet My baby. Baby meet my cousins." Will introduces us as we look at the car. I roll my eyes while Danny laughs.

"Tis car is a pwiece of swit." Danny says.

"Hey! No foul language." I scold Danny.

He pouts.

"Sworry mummy." He says cheekily.

I chuckle.

"How dare you Dan-Dan! It's okay baby. He didn't mean it." Will says trying to soothe his car like it has feelings. Danny and I laugh at his behaviour.

"Masewatii's are swooooo bwetta." Danny tells Will.

"Are not!"

"Are twu."

"Are not!"

"Are twu."


"WILL! You're acting like a three year old." I scold him.

"So is Dan-Dan." He says.

OMG! We are related to an idiot.

"Because he is three you idiot." I tell him.

He huffs.

"Whatever. Just get in." Will says after grabbing our luggage.

I place Danny in the car seat in the back and then hop in the passenger. Will closes the boot then slides into the driver's seat and starts the car. We turn down all these streets and start heading into this Forrest. I look out the window and take in all the nature. It's beautiful. I've always had a thing for nature. Soon enough we start passing houses. One house cathes my attention though. There were three big mansions in a row. The one in the middle however caught my eye. It was the biggest of the three and looked like a Spanish design. We drove pass and then pulled into a nice two-storey house.

"Well, we're home." William announces.

I hop out and unbuckle Danny and carry him in since he fell asleep during the ride and Will brings in our luggage. I was too tired to check out the house.

"Willlllllllll. Where's our room?" I whine to him.

He chuckles.

"Last door on the left upstairs." Will replies.

I follow his instructions and open the door. I chuck off my jandals then carefully place Danny in-between the bankets. I take my jumper off so that I'm in my singlet and shorts then hop in next to Danny. He snuggles up to me and I wrap my arm around him. I feel him hug me and I welcome sleep wholeheartedly.

Please :)

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