Still, I'll stay

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Marinette climbed onto the bus to find Lila sitting sideways across the entire first row seat. She twirled the tip of her hair as she glared at Marinette.

A terrible day awaits me.

"Good morning, Marinette. I think there's still a seat in the back left," Lila said with a sneer.

Marinette ignored Lila and kept her head low as she walked past all of her old friends to the back. Rose. Max. Julika. Nino. Marc.

She heard Rose say hello, but she gave no reply. Otherwise...Lila would target poor Rose. For the past year, Lila had targeted everyone who came close to Marinette.

As a result, Marinette pushed her friends away, to keep them safe from Lila's threats. They often attempted to talk to her and invite her places, but she turned them down. Her world as Marinette was empty...everything felt empty...except when she became Ladybug. Ladybug was not only her escape, but also her savior.

Even if Marinette has least I'll always have Cat Noir as Ladybug.

"Marinette," Adrien said standing over her, one hand at his side, the other on the back of the seat. He looked so much older now that he was sixteen and a half – his body taller and more muscular. His green eyes darker somehow. What was memorable to Marinette was how he always smelled like fresh soap. The smell made her heart race with nerves.

Usually seeing him would cause her to stumble and blush. Now she felt a freedom in her letting go. Of course, she was still nervous...but much less so.

"Oh, hi Adrien," she smiled and redirected her attention out the window. Her heart was racing against her will. No matter how much she convinced herself, she would always love him at least a little.

"Can I sit with you?"


Too bad this didn't happen two years ago. Two years ago...I would have been dying that Adrien wanted to sit next to me. I can't care anymore. I need to move on!

"How was New York?" She asked, keeping her face towards the window.

"Very crowded and busy. It was a great experience to be able to work at my father's  American branch, but I'm very happy to be back. I missed everyone."

"Well, they missed you."

"Did you?"

"Everyone did," she ended on a high note, avoiding the question.

In the reflection of the window, she thought she spotted him frown. No. That couldn't be right. Why would it bother him if she didn't miss him? Of course she missed him. He was on her mind all the time...until Cat Noir.

A few minutes of silence passed.

"I'm happy we're going to Lexembourg today," He said.


"Have you been?"


"Me neither. So, it will both be our first times."


"Hopefully it won't rain. I saw in the forecast it's a 60% chance."

"That would be a bummer," Marinette tried to hold in her breathe.

"Marinette, are you okay?" His voice lightened.

"Yes. I am very good. How are you?"

She turned her head from the window, caught off guard at how close he was. Had he been that close the entire time? He leaned back as if sensing her unease.

His eyes. So green. Like Cat Noir's. I never realized the similarities.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her, remaining silent. Feeling uncomfortable from his persistent gaze, she glanced down at his hands. Even after three years, he still wore that silver ring. She shivered at the memories she had from holding his hand when they danced at Chloe's hotel party.

"Do you remember what day it is?" He asked, finally breaking the silence.

She tilted her head against the back of the seat, racking her brain.

"Thursday, I think."

"The date – does it mean anything to you?"

Before she could answer, the bus came to an abrupt stop, jerking both Adrien and Marinette forward.

"We're here!" Rose exclaimed from the middle section.

One by one, the students emptied the bus. When it was finally Adrien's turn, he stepped aside and pointed his hand towards the door.

"After you, M'la-Marinette."

He shook his head as if he had almost said something terrible.

Marinette knew she was hallucinating when she thought Adrien's voice sounded identical to Cat Noir's. She needed to get off this bus and get some fresh air.

All my thoughts circle back to him. All things remind me of him. He's in my conscious and unconscious thoughts. Even in the presence of the Adrien, I still think of him. What is happening to me?

As Marinette stepped off the bus lost in thought, she tripped on the last step and fell onto black pavement. Her knees collided to the ground in what felt like slow motion. She let out a little screech at the impact. There was no doubt this would cause bleeding through her hot pink pants.

"Marinette!" Adrien called out. She heard his quick steps behind her.

He bend down on both knees and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Can you get up?"

Marinette was mortified. As she dared to lift her head, she was welcomed by the gawking eyes of the entire class. Mostly everyone looked concerned. Except Lila who was laughing hysterically.

"Such a clumsy freak," Lila exclaimed. "Look at her's as red as an apple. You must feel like an idiot, Marinette. No wait, you already are!"

It took all of Marinette's strength to hold back her tears. If she cried, Lila would really make fun of her.

"Lila, that's enough!" Adrien yelled. "You will be quiet now."

Lila instantly ceased, her eyes wide as if she was stunned by Adrien's command.

This would have never happened to Ladybug.

"Try to stand. I'll help you," Adrien said softly. His face was serious, as if he was experiencing the same sort of pain as Marinette.

She rest her hands on Adrien's broad shoulders. He placed his hands around her waist and began to stand. She wondered if he could feel her entire body trembling. Gradually, they rose together. He leaned his lips to her ear and said loud enough that only she could hear:

"I'm happy you're still the same Marinette."

She was confused by what he was saying. Before she could formulate a response, his eyes locked on her knees.

"You're bleeding."

"I'll be fine."

Mrs. Jacqueline, the teacher who was leading the field trip, rushed out from the driver's seat of the school bus, carrying a first aid kit. After asking Marinette a series of wellness questions, Mrs. Jacqueline placed two large Band-Aids on each knee.

Luckily, Mrs. Jacqueline was able to distract the group from incidence by discussing the first entrance to the garden, Place Edmond Rostand.

Each step caused Marinette pain, slowing her pace. She lingered in the back of the group, Adrien right by her side.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay with you the rest of the day."

"It's not necessary. I already told you, I'm fine."

"Still. I'll stay." 

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now