I'm happy it's you

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Ladybug hopped across roof tops on her usual night patrol. 

It was a beautiful night. The stars were shining. The city lights were illuminating an amber glow into the atmosphere. 

She shivered. No doubt it was also a chilly night, the wind carrying the smell of fresh bread. 

"There you are," Cat Noir said from behind her. 

She eagerly turned to meet his concerned eyes. 

"Are you feeling better, M'Lady?" 

She smiled and laughed, rushing up to him. 

"Much better," she kissed Cat Noir's hand. 

A slow grin appeared on his face and joy was returning to his eyes. 

"I was worried about you...I just-" 

She placed her finger up to silence his troubled words. Then she wrapped her arm around his neck. 

"Take me to see the Eiffel Tower, Kitty. Right now." 

He chuckled, reading the playfulness in her expression. 

"Your wish is my command," he winked at her, swooping her from her feet. 

He shot up into the sky with his pole and balanced her on his knee. It was the perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. Paris was bathed in a golden gleam. The city was beaming and alive...

They gazed on the city in silence. She listened to the sound of his steady breathing. It was peaceful. The storms were over...both the external and internal ones. 

There's nowhere else I'd rather be. There's no one else I'd rather be. There's no one else I'd rather be with. I love you. 

Despite the beauty of the city, Cat Noir seemed distant. As if there were lingering thoughts in his mind. 

"Can I ask you something?" he asked, sounding hesitant. 

"Sure," She tilted her head to face him. 

"What...," he paused, "what happened when Felix took you? You were so upset."

She didn't want to tell him how terrible it was...about his own fate...about hers. But he was her partner and friend. 

"I saw my life. Past, present, and future."


"I will forget you. I'll forget everything. It will be erased when I give the Miraculous box away." 

She could feel his grip around her waist tighten, as his eyes grew heavy. 

"That's why I want to enjoy every moment. This moment. You. For the first time in a long time, I feel happy with myself. I don't want to lose me. I don't want to forget the good and bad days. So, going forward, I'm going to enjoy all my days and every part of myself, even Marinette." 

He shook his head, as if in denial, "You don't know that for sure. It could have been a trick. Remember, he received his power from Hawk Moth and he is a liar. You'll still remember." 

"Honestly, I don't know how I could ever forget you. Your green eyes," she sighed. 

He swallowed. 

"Was I there? In your future?" 

The truth was she never saw her future exactly. It was blurred...erased...empty. All she remembered seeing was a faint image of colors: black, white, green. What could it have been? Maybe it was up for her to decide. 

Regardless, she refused to believe Adrien would suffer a terrible fate. If any of the illusion was untrue, it was Adrien's future. As long as she was with him, she wouldn't allow him to be depressed.  

"Yes. You were there." 

"May I ask what you saw?" 

Was he blushing? His face was red and he seemed very eager. 

The image of what she imagined the blurred future to be came to her mind. She grinned. It was so...good. 

"You looked so handsome in your black suit. Although you were a little hot. It was summertime. We were outside, in the grassy lawn of the Luxemburg Garden."

He seemed to hang on her every word. 

"We were divinely, unimaginably happy. You were happy. Very happy," she brushed a strand of blonde hair from his forehead, "And in case I never said it before, I'm happy. So happy it's you, Adrien." 

He soaked in her words and lingered in the silence for a few moments. 

"What were you wearing? On that summer day in the garden?" 

His eyes were alive, sparkling with all the shades of green. She could tell he already had a desired answer in his mind.  

"That's a secret, Kitty," she tilted her head. She couldn't help but grin. 

"Keeping secrets from me?" He sounded playful, "I don't like that very much." 

She broke eye contract. The lights of the city flashed as she tried to gain the courage. 

"le coup de foudre," she whispered, "Sight is more than seeing. It's also knowing. Ever since I've gotten to know both sides of you, my feelings grow deeper." 

"And...Adrien...Cat Noir...I just wanted to say that I...love you. In a way, I always have." 

He stroked the side of her face, his face red and his eyes searched hers. 

"Marinette, I never want there to be an ending for us. No matter what happens or how much you remember, I want to be next to you. I want to share my life with you. And I hope the color you wear in the future is white." 

Then he leaned in and tenderly pressed his lips against hers. There was passion and love in his kiss. But most of all it was patient and slow. 

Was this it? Was this what it felt like to be divinely happy? 

Was this it? Was this what it felt like to be divinely happy? 

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I'll never forget you. Impossible. Not you. 

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now