We were so happy back then

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"It's late, Adrien. She needs to go home," Father's voice was gruff. Adrien and Father both stood in the office room. 

Marinette and Adrien managed to sneak in a back gate of his house, only noticed by the Gorilla, who of course never said anything. So there chances of being ratted out were slim. 

"I know, Father, but you said she could stay as long as there was an akumatized person on the loose. We can't just make her go home. That would be too dangerous." 

She never had my permission to be here in the first place," Father's eyes were like pin needles, sharp and heartless. How could he direct such a hateful glare at his own son? 

"She's not leaving," Adrien crossed his arms, determined to stand his ground. 

"These days you are so rebellious. I think it's time you learned some obedience," Father was standing over him, as if trying to incite fear. 

"I'm almost eighteen, Father! You can't control my life forever!" Adrien shouted. 

"We don't yell like that in this house, Adrien."  

"I hate this house! And I hate the way you've treated me every sine Mother died." 

"Don't say that," Father growled, "About your mother." 

"What? That she died? Well, she did. Your problem is you can't accept it." 

Never before had Adrien seen his father so furious - his fists tightly clenched and face entirely red. But he couldn't stop now:

"I hate this house because I was alone here. You died with Mother and left me fatherless." 

Father's arm twitched as if he wanted to slap Adrien. But he didn't. He was still as a statue. 

"It won't be like this forever, Adrien. I'm going to fix this. Make up for all of the past." 

"Nothing you say will ever be able to make up for what you did to me. And I can't wait to leave you. Leave this place when I'm eighteen, make something of myself, and marry Marinette. You can't stop me." 

Father inhaled a heavy breath, as his gaze fell upon an old picture Adrien had drawn as a child. 

"We were so happy back then," Father sounded somber. 

Adrien ignored his Father's comment: 

"She's staying. Marinette is staying tonight. So have Natalie prepare the guest room." 

Adrien rushed out the door, letting it slam behind him. 

Get away. Stay back. I don't want you in my life, Father. 


Marinette was sitting on the marvel stair case, waiting for Adrien to return. Through the thin walls, she heard Adrien yelling. It was strange. Never had she heard him shout in anger. He was always so well tempered. Rarely did he ever raise his voice. 

When he entered the room, he was smiling. But his eyes were furious. His entire body looked tense. His face was a contradiction. 

"You can stay in the guest room. I received Father's permission," he said politely, resting his hand on her shoulder. 

Adrien led her to the oversized guest room and then disappeared without saying anything. Was he okay? What had Mr. Agreste said to him? 

Marinette pulled out her pony tales and dressed herself in silk pink pajamas that Adrien had given her. It must have been his mother's. She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering if she should go talk to him. 

He didn't even say goodnight. Of course, she at least wanted that. 

She felt a rush of adrenaline as she crept down the long hallway to Adrien's room. Hopefully, Natalie wouldn't see her and get the wrong idea. 

She hesitated at his door. Should she knock or just go in? The door already seem slightly cracked. The inside was dark. Was he already sleeping?

"Adrien?" she whispered as she pushed the door open. 

Her eyes circled the perimeter before landing on his outline. He was sitting on the white coach, staring out his large windows. Moon beams were shining down on him, lighting up his room with aqua rays. 

"Adrien..." She said again. 

She sat herself down next to him. He was now wearing a white v-neck shirt with black sweatpants. His hair was ruffled and his eyes were red. Had he been crying? 

He seemed to be hiding his face from her. 

Maybe he needed silence. For her to just be with him. So she sat quietly...listening to his steady breathing...staring up at the moon. 

After thirty minutes of silence, she wondered if she should leave. She didn't want to though. She wanted to sit here by his side until she knew he was okay. 

"I'm glad they fit you alright," he said. 

She stared down at her pajamas. They were a size to big, but she would never tell him that right now. 

"Thank you. For letting me wear them." 

"And your hair. It looks so good. I've always liked it down." 

"I remember," she smiled, thinking back to the first time he had seen it down when she jumped in a ball pit. 

He turned to face her, his green eyes fixated on her. The space between felt as if it had its own gravity.

"I like your eyes," she said, feeling her heart rate increasing. 

"I know."

"I especially like the way they light up when you smile." 

He forced a grin, "It actually doesn't happen much." 

"Except for when you're Cat Noir?" 


He leaned in closer, before pulling himself away, like a horse being jerked back by forceful reins. 

"It's late now. I think we should go to bed." 

"Oh. Yes. Of course." 

"Goodnight, M'lady...and thanks for sitting with me."

"Anytime," she said. 

As she closed the door, she exhaled. Her heart was still racing.

He's okay. He's going to be okay. 

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