I trust you

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Marinette was pulled from her thoughts when she spotted the akumatized villain coming towards her! Where was Cat Noir? 

With steady strides, the dark figure approached her. Jumping to her feet, she ran as fast as her knees would allow. Why was it targeting her? 

Faster and faster, she tried to force her legs. Her heart was racing and she could feel the blood rushing all over body. A sharp pain from her side was radiating from the running. All she wanted was to transform and yo-yo away. 

"Spots on!"She muttered. "Spots on! Spots on! Spots on!" 

Still nothing! What would it take to regain her power? What if she was never able to transform? A dreadful thought that was!

After multiple twists and turns down some alleyways, she was stuck at a dead end. She leaned against the wall, waiting for the villain to reach her. It felt like one of those nightmares where her body was frozen and feet slow. It was going to get and there was nothing she could do...

Cat Noir hopped down from above, as he guarded her with his body. 

"Adri-Cat Noir! What are you doing? You don't want to get struck and lose your power too."

"Trust me, M'Lad...Marinette. I know where the akuma is!" 

The villain held out its hand as a bright beam was being created, bubbling into an orb. When the orb reached a certain size, it directed the beam towards Cat Noir. Cat Noir grasp Marinette by the shoulders and managed to avoid the beam. 

"It's in the necklace," he said, his pupils large. 

Marinette squinted, suddenly noticing a silver necklace, with a tag at the center. 

"Cataclysm!" Cat Noir shouted. 

As he raced towards the villain, he was struck with the beam. The de-transformation would soon take place. 

Cat Noir sent Marinette a regretful look. 

"Go Cat! Get out of here! Don't let Hawk Moth see you!" 

His de-transformation was happening at an even faster pace than Marinette's. In only a minute or so he would be Adrien.

"Go! I'll fight!" 

"As if I'd leave you here all by yourself," Cat Noir sounded irritated. He quickly grabbed her by the waist, flung her over his shoulder, and shot away on his pole. 

It was a terrifying thing to be up in the air as he was de-transforming. He landed behind a building and released Marinette before turning back into Adrien. 

His breath was heavy. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he clenched his fist and drove it into the wall. 

"Hey, don't worry. And don't hurt yourself." 

"I should have gotten it." 

"It's okay, Adrien." 

"Now neither of us have our powers." 

"Well, it doesn't know our secret identities. So we are safe now." 

Marinette had thrown off her sunglasses and hat the moment he landed. It had been hard to see in the dark with sunglasses and the hat had limited her vision. 

"I still don't think you should go home," Adrien said, "In case its following us."

"Where am I going to stay?" 

"At my place." 

Her heart sped up. 

"Your dad won't be happy." 

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now