Who would you want to be?

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"Are you okay, M'Lady?" Cat Noir shouted from a nearby rooftop. He extended his pole and catapulted through the air. As his feet met the ground, he tripped on an uneven section of the roof and tumbled.

"Cats almost always land on their feet," He said as he composed himself.

Ladybug felt no need to make fun of him as she usually did. Instead, she wrapped her arms around herself and turned her face from him. The best part of her day was over, so how could she be her usually happy self?

I don't want to go back.

She fidgeted when Cat Noir's hand landed on her shoulder and gently guided her towards him. There was a comfort in his touch - something she never noticed before.

"Bugaboo, what's wrong? We won. The akuma has been captured. We should be celebrating."

"I know. I just feel a little...strange."

"Well, if you ask me, I think you just need some of Andre's ice cream. Wanna go? It should still be open. Plus, it's a full moon."

Ladybug glanced up. Despite the starless sky, the moon's glaze persisted through the fog. It was a beautiful, calm night.

I really don't want to go back. Ever.

"Yes, I'll go with you," Ladybug said quickly, shocked by her own words. 

Cat Noir's reflective eyes grew wide and his lips parted. His hand fell from her shoulder to his side.

"What? I'm sorry... could you repeat that? My cat senses must be messed up from that fall. I thought I heard you actually say yes to me."

"Not to you. To the ice cream," she said, attempting to suppress a grin.

Ladybug swung her yo-yo and attached it to a nearby fixture.

"Well, Kitty? You coming?"

He remained in a frozen posture – barely breathing or blinking.

"Kitty. Wake up. This isn't a dream."

Finally, he met her gaze. For the first time, she wondered what color his eyes were without his mask. Were they naturally green, or was it just the mask's manipulation of shade? She felt her face heating up.

What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking about Cat Noir's eyes? Strange. I'm feeling very strange.

"This is the best day of my life," He finally managed to say. "Let's go before I wake up."

This is the best day of your life? Being with me? Of course. You say it all the time. You love me. It's obvious and a little annoying. I wish Adrien would say those things about me. Why can't he see me the way you do?

They dashed from rooftop to rooftop like stones skipping across a pond. The chilled breeze against Ladybug's face only energized her. Maybe it was a bad idea to eat ice cream on a cold night. No. It didn't matter. Anything she could do to extend the night, she would.

"He's not here! Are you kidding me?" Cat Noir moaned when they landed on the bridge. Andre's ice cream cart was gone, with only sticky dried puddles of ice cream remaining. 

"I guess it is pretty late."

"Please don't leave. I'll get us some ice cream from another place and bring it back. We can still have a purrfe- a great night." He was about to extend his pole before Ladybug interrupted.

"It's okay, Cat. Just stay here."

Ladybug walked to the side of the bridge and positioned herself on the railing. It wasn't the most comfortable seat, but it was better than nothing. He quickly secured his pole behind his back and joined her. The railing creaked as he took a seat.

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now