I look for her in everyone

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What has gotten into me?

Cat Noir crept through his room's large open window, quietly attempting to land. The last thing he wanted was for his father to wake up.


There was no way his father would suspect a thing. He hesitated, deciding he didn't want to  detransform and  hear Plagg scold him over revealing himself to Ladybug. He knew it was a impromptu, sloppy thing to do.

I've been looking for Marinette in everyone today, even in Ladybug.

Maybe that's why he revealed himself. He saw that Ladybug finally cared for him, and if she was Marinette, maybe she would forgive him. In that moment, he wanted more than anything in the world, for Ladybug to actually be Marinette. Was that unfair to Ladybug?

He knew it was only his wishful thinking and if he looked hard enough, he could convince himself that Ladybug could be anyone he wanted. 

"Claws in," He whispered.

Plagg shot out of his ring and instantly floated towards Adrien's face. In a panic, Adrien ducked. Plagg must really be angry, he thought to himself.

"I can't believe you!" Plagg exclaimed in his raspy voice.

"I'm sorry!" Adrien shielded his face, "I know I shouldn't have done it."

'I can't believe you didn't! After coming so close!"

Adrien slowly lowered his hands, "Wait, I'm confused. Aren't you mad at me?"


"I thought so-"

"I'm mad because you should have just told her who you were. She might have had her eyes closed, but she wasn't covering her hears. You should've just gotten it over with!"

"Wait, what?"

"It's been three long miserable years of lame twists. All of which could be solved by your reveal. I'm sick of watching it over and over again."

"But Plagg, I can't just go against her will. If she doesn't want to know, then I won't tell her."

"I see you've learned nothing from New York."

"Plagg, stop it."

"Anyway, I'm absolutely famished and am going to die if you don't give me cheese this instance! Your love life stresses me out and makes me want to binge a whole wheel of cheese."

"Thanks for that, Plagg. Help yourself. It's in the desk."

Plagg darted across the desk and disappeared into a "hidden cheese vault."

Adrien rested against the back of his white coach, and wondered. Wondered if he would ever get to know who Ladybug was. Wondered if Ladybug would ever want to know who he was. But most of all, wondered what would happen when he saw Marinette at school tomorrow.

Would she ignore him? Should he stay away to respect her wishes? Never had he felt so upset over losing a friend. Never had he realized the depth for which he cared for Marinette. Every word she had spoken to him at the gardens was true. He had ignored and overlooked her for the past three years.

Why? Why had he treated her so indifferently? Why had he friend-zoned her over and over again? It occurred to him that there was always someone in the way...whether it be Ladybug or Kagami. There was always someone preventing him from falling for Marinette. Even himself. 

Oddly enough, it was distance that made his heart grow fonder. He didn't start thinking about Marinette until he was away in New York. Every time he walked by a fashion store or saw someone wearing a scarf, he thought of her...which was very frequent.

At the time, he had felt guilty for thinking of Marinette when he was in love with Ladybug. But now, for some reason, it didn't feel like he was betraying Ladybug. It almost felt like loving Marinette would also be loving Ladybug. They seemed so similar to him. He tried not to make any assumption without confirmation though. 

He could only hope that they were the same. Then by holding on to Ladybug he could also hold on to Marinette. 

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now