I don't want to forget

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Marinette's eyes flung open, welcomed by a  grey Paris sky. Cold rain drops splattered on her face. She was drenched. 

She sat up, finding that she was in the real world again. Across from her was...Felix? He was laying sideways, unconscious. Her stomach flopped. He was the akumatized person? Did he still remember?

In her hands she had his necklace. So it was real? She managed to grab it somehow. Without wasting any time, she smashed it against the ground. A black butterfly darted out towards the sky before the weight of raindrops drug it down. She lunged forward and cupped her hands around it before it fell. 

That was when she noticed she was in her Ladybug form.  It seemed that the moment the object broke, her powers were freed. 

"I'm back!" She shouted. "I'm finally back!" 

Eyeing her surroundings, it looked as if a severe storm had rolled in. There was also no sight of Adrien. If breaking the akumatized object had freed her power, then wouldn't it have also freed Cat Noir's?

She gently placed the butterfly into her yo-yo. After successfully cleansing it, she set it down on a sheltered bush. 

"Hello?" a male voice said behind her. 

She jerked her head, to find Felix, Adrien's cousin, stumbling to his feet. Rushing over to his side, she stabilized him. His hair was straight from the rain, and his eyes were crystal blue. 

"I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how I arrived here. I just...I just...woke up in the middle of the street," He sounded confused.

"You were akumatized. That's why you don't remember."

The rain was pelting down on them. 

"Oh. I...I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."

Felix had changed so much since he had moved back to Paris two years ago. He had lost his cruel edge, and was now just distant...emotionally and physically. He was cold, but not heartless. 

The weight of his gaze caused her to blush. Did he remember being inside her mind? Feeling her thoughts? Knowing her future? If so, her cover was blown and her secret identity wasn't a secret. That would risk the Miraculous Box's safety and expose to Hawk Moth. 

"So...do you remember anything at all?" 

He frowned for a moment as if thinking. 

"Am I supposed to?" 

"No...no...I just wanted to make sure." 

Thank goodness. His memory seemed to be wiped clean. 

He straightened his black tie and vest as if composing himself, "Well then. I guess I should be heading home." 

"Yeah," she sighed with relief. 

"Are you?" he turned to her with a curious eye.

"Am I what?" 

"Heading home too?" 


"You should go home more often. While you can," he smiled wearily. He looked down at his shoes. "Goodbye, Ladybug." 

He limped down the street and turned the corner. 

What did he mean by that? Maybe he did still have faint memories of her mind. Her stomach twisted and she prayed that wasn't the case. 

"M'Lady!" She heard Cat Noir's voice yell. 

She turned to find Cat Noir standing only ten feet away, relief in his eyes. 

"I've been trying to find you. When he took you...you just disappeared. I couldn't find you. I was so afraid that something happened and I would never get you back." 

Her eyes scanned him. His hands were shaking and his breath was heavy. He looked upset. 

Adrien. Smile. Please. Be happy. Don't stop. I don't want to lose you. I don't. Don't let the future ever come if it means you'll be unhappy. 

Overcome with emotion, she rushed up to him leaving only centimeters. He remained unmoving, his green eyes locked on her. His shaking hands wrapped around her in what seemed to be a hug. 

Be happy Adrien.

She spontaneously cupped his face with her hands and pulled him into her lips. 

Then she kissed him with all the urgency and desperation that had been bubbling inside of her. Her lips moved sloppily and firmly over his. 

 Be happy Adrien. 

That was when she noticed he wasn't responding. Instead, he gently broke away from her grip, and stared into her eyes with a confused look. 

"What's wrong, M'Lady?" His hands were rubbing her shoulders in a way that caused her muscles to loosen. 

Tears rushed from her eyes, mixing with the rain. 

She fell into his arms. He embraced her tightly. 

"I don't want to forget," she sobbed, "you or me. Anything! I want it to stay like this forever!" 

"What are you talking about?" he stroked the back of her hair. They were both drenched as the rains bounced off their hero suits. 

"I just want you...," she was trying to finish but choked up. "I just want you!" 

"Hey, I'm right here, M'Lady. Everything is okay."

"It will be gone soon. It won't stay. I want to stay me and for you to stay you." 

He pulled her away from him and examined her face. 

"You're shivering. Let's get you home. You've been through a lot."

He effortlessly swooped her off her feet and poled himself into the air. 

"Adrien, I don't want to forget. How could I forget? But I will! Every good thing. Every bad thing. What will even be left of me?"

Then she cried, uncontrollably. He gave no response, letting her have her tears.  

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now