I will save you

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Marinette awoke the next morning to her phone buzzing with an akuma alert. Again. The same villain was snooping around the city, except this time, it wasn't shooting beams or causing any destruction. 

Maybe it was trying to lure the secret identities of Cat Noir and Ladybug so that Hawk Moth could easily take their Miraculouses while they were weak. 

She quickly dressed and rushed out of her door, nearly colliding with Adrien. 

"Sorry!" She said, leaning on his shoulder out of shock. 

"Good morning," he seemed like his normal self again, "We got our work cut out for us today, M'Lady." 

"You're finally calling me that again."

"It suits you. Even as Marinette." 

She smiled, her face heating. 

"Follow me," He winked at her. 

He led her to his room and pointed to a shirt, pants, hat, and sunglasses. 

"There you go. That will be your new Ladybug costume for the day." 

Her stomach twisted at the thought of wearing Cat Noir - Adrien's clothes. 

"Won't your father recognize these?" 

"Never worn them before, so no." 

Scooping the pile of clothes into her arms, she rushed to the bathroom to change. His shirt was three sizes too big and was baggy everywhere. As wear his pants. She tied them as tight as they would go. After adjusting the outfit, she examined herself. Adrien. She even smelled like him. Somehow wearing these made her feeling closer to him. 

She bashfully exited the bathroom, keeping her head low. What would he think when he saw her?

"Looking hot as usual, M'Lady," He said, his ears and cheeks red. 

"You're the one who looks hot. Literally." 

"Glad you finally noticed," He ran his hand through his wavy hair. 

"That's not what I meant, Kitty."

His face reddened. She never remembered him blushing this much. Without a mask, his attempt at acting as Cat Noir seemed so... vulnerable. 

"Now you just gotta put this on," he plopped the white baseball cap over his head and handed her the sunglasses. 

He exhaled heavily wearing a contented smile. 

"What?" she said, tilting her head. 

"You're just...you know what you're doing to me, right?" 

"No, do tell."

The redness was spreading down his neck like a disease. He backed away. 

"I'm going to get dressed and then let's go kick some butt." 


Marinette and Adrien made there escape out of the Agreste household without Mr. Agreste's notice. It wasn't too difficult considering his presence in the flesh was rare. 

Down the empty streets they roamed. No signs of city activity. After three years, the city of Paris had new policies to lockdown the entire area until the akuma was gone. 

They had brought their own "weapons." Adrien had a bat and Marinette brought a tiny mirror. 

"You could've had my other bat," Adrien gently nudged her arm. 

"I know. But that's not how I work my magic." 

"Just another reason I lov- think you're amazing, M'Lady." 

In only a matter of minutes, they were face to face with the villain. It rushed up to them, and struck Adrien to the ground. He tumbled, letting out a grunt when he collided into the grass.

"Adri- Cat Noir!" she shouted. 

He was now laying on his back, "I'm okay. I'm getting up!"

Marinette lunged towards the villain, her arm reaching towards its necklace. It grabbed her hand, twisted her into his arms, and reached towards her earrings. 

She stamped on its foot, and bit its hand. It released her immediately. 

"I can give you want you want," it said, with the voice of a male. 

"What?" Marinette was breathless. 

"Give me your earrings and I can give you what you want." 

"Who are you?" Marinette was stalling as she tried to think of ways to take his necklace.


"Well, Risetto, I'm going to save you." 

"I have your powers. You will never be Ladybug again. As long as you keep your Miraculous it will always be useless."

As Resitto's lean body took slow strides towards her, she backed away. 

Adrien rushed up and jumped on his back. Resitto effortless flicked him off. 

Marinette felt fear bubbling up inside her when she realized she was backed against a wall. His dark mask made him seem inhuman and frightening. What was he going to do?

"You have it backwards," He sounded as if he were grinning under his mask, "I'm going to save you." 

His hands wrapped around her head, and she lost consciousness. 

Not You: A Miraculous Ladybug TaleWhere stories live. Discover now