Chapter Nine

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He dialed the only other number he had memorized on the pay phone. Hitchhiking the rest of the way was a viable option, but he had already walked quite a bit, and he was curious if Eris was true to her word.

"Who is this?"

"Eris? It's Neil."

He heard her curse and then, "Are you hurt? Are you alright?"

"I'm...," Neil began before faltering, reminding himself that Eris could tell easily when he was lying. "I'm not hurt. A little sick, but I've been worse."

"Shit. Neil, I'm sorry." Neil could hear the sincerity in her voice.

"It's fine, but I have a something to ask, after that we can call it even."

"Of course. Anything," Eris said, horns honking in the background.

"Could you come pick me up?"

"Neil, I would've done that if you asked anyways. You don't have to use your favor on that. Where are you?"

Neil told her and she hung up, so he took to baking underneath the harsh sun, sitting on the curb by the gas station. He knew that she wasn't with the others in Columbia, but he couldn't help but fear that when she showed up it would be with Andrew and the rest of their lot.

However, when she pulled up in an expensive looking red convertible, she was alone. She jumped out the car and went right to him, staring down at him with a stern look.

"You are an idiot."

Neil knew that she was right, so he said, "I know."

He was drenched in sweat since he had walked to the gas station that was probably fifteen miles away from the house in Columbia. Instead of climbing back in the car, she flicked a hand to Neil, and went inside to the gas station.

He followed her without hesitation as she went around collecting items off the shelves. Anything from energy drinks, to Advil, to chips, to peanut m&m's, to gummy peach rings. She told him to grab anything he wanted, but he settled for a water.

Instead of paying like a normal person, she just threw a large sum of money to the cashier and walked out without another word, not waiting for her change. Once in the car she went through multiple energy drinks at an unhealthy rate.

Neil just rested his head against the chair, feeling grateful for her silence. However, it only lasted about ten minutes before she got bored.

"Are we going to talk about it or...?"

"Or. I like or better."

"Shut up wise ass. What do you remember?" Eris asked while chewing on some chips.

"Nicky kissing me, you punching me."

Eris nodded in thought, "So then you'll remember that you promised me answers in exchange for making sure you were sober when you gave answers to Andrew. I expect the truth, Josten."

Neil grimaced and looked out the window. Eris's fingers tapped along the steering wheel to the beat of a BLACKPINK song playing on the radio.

"You can trust me, I keep my word. As long as this is nothing that endangers the rest, I'm not going to give a shit. Right now, I want answers about the necklace and that photo."

"I wasn't lying, it's my mother's."

"Why and where did she get it?"

"How am I supposed to know? She's just always had it," Neil shrugged and took a swig from his water bottle while Eris worked on another energy drink.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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