Chapter Five

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Kevin clenched up beside Eris, he was going into pure flight or fight mode. She could see his hands shaking in his lap. He jumped onto his feet and paced the room, his hands tangled in his hair.

With baited breath Eris watched, waiting to see his full reaction. In a blink of an eye Kevin picked up a nearby glass ash tray and threw it against the wall, making smash into a thousand pieces on impact.

Eris went silent, a million different possibilities running through her mind. Wymack seemed to notice her face and went into the kitchen for a minute, when he came back he was holding a bag of pita chips that he shoved in her hands.

"Eat. You tend not to when you're stressed." Wymack demanded. She sent a glare to him but obliged, "This is not my stressed face. This is my calculated face."

"My apologies for misinterpreting the exact three faces that you have; pissed, stressed, or murder."

"Do you have a plan then?" Kevin asked eagerly, running up to her and sitting on his knees, grabbing her wrists in his hands so tightly it hurt, giving her a pleading look. She ripped her hands out of his and sent him an annoyed look at the sudden touch.

"I have a plan," She nodded. Wymack looked at her a little startled with a raised eyebrow, "One that doesn't involve murder?"

"I no longer have a plan."

Kevin buried his hands in his face. He was having a mental crisis. Eris munched on a pita chip to try and focus on coming up with something while Kevin got up and began throwing more things.

It was a little hard to think with Kevin pacing furiously and throwing objects. She grabbed her bag and pulled out her medical marijuana, lit it, took a deep drag in before walking over to Kevin and wordlessly shoving it in his mouth.

He took it without hesitation, but after only one deep breath handed it back. It wasn't really his thing.

"Sit down Kevin," Wymack demanded, but Kevin didn't move he still clutched his head in his hands, he hadn't taken enough of the weed to be affected by it. Kevin didn't even acknowledge that Wymack had spoken and kept walking and throwing.

"I still think I should just kill Riko. I can get my father's clean up crew and it would solve more than one problem," Eris shrugged her shoulders, she honestly didn't see a problem in it.

If Riko was dead then it would calm Kevin down, would give the Foxes way better chances at beating the Ravens, and she wouldn't even be traced back to the crime thanks to her father.

"Eris you can't just kill him. You even said it yourself the eastern Yakuza and the Southeastern Cosa Nostra have been on the verge of war for a very long time and your father is trying to strengthen relations with them. I know you say that the you are far stronger and can defeat them easily, but that doesn't matter. Do you realize the repercussions it could have if it is found out that you were the one that killed Riko?" Wymack asked gruffly.

"Don't mansplain my own politics to me. I've been in this business since I was ten. Let them launch an attack, it would be foolish. They know we can and will defeat them, especially if they try to hurt me. My father will obliterate them," Eris snarled taking another drag.

"And what if they do kill you? What then Eris?" Wymack asked angrily, his face growing red.

"Then I die, obviously. Tragic, really," Eris deadpanned.

"No killing," Wymack seethed, sending another furious look to Kevin after he shattered another ash tray, "Damnit, Kevin, I told you to sit down!"

"I won't!" Kevin's voice was almost unrecognizable. Normally it was strong, confident, fierce, and usually even cold. Now it was shaky, twisted with fear and panic. "How could you let them do this?"

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