a nerd playing quidditch? what rubbish!

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I really liked writing this one!



"Hold on- you- the biggest nerd of all time- is trying out for the quidditch team?" my brother Ron clarified for the billionth time. "Yup," I answered for the billionth time.

"That's-" Harry started but stopped himself. "Look, Elle, I think you need to rethink this," Hermione said in her reasoning voice she used on Harry and Ron. 

"Guys trust me! I think I'll be fine. They need one more chaser, they got one," I said and made my way to the girl's room. I need to get some sleep to pass tryouts tomorrow. And they were being a little unsupportive which is something I do not need right now. 


"Elle Weasley," Madam Hooch called my name. I heard some gasps but I ignored them. Even Madam Hooch was surprised to call my name. 

Yeah, yeah the biggest nerd at Hogwarts is trying to be a chaser for the Gryffindor quidditch team. 

"Blimey! I didn't know you were trying out," Fred said. "I knew if I told you, you'd talk me out of it," I told him and George. 

They looked like they were going to argue but realized I was right and told me to carry on. I mounted my broom and took off. 

I dodged the bludgers and aimed the quaffles and by the end of my turn, I scored the most points out of everyone.

"That's not possible. A nerd on the team? Sucks to be a Gryffindor," Pansy Parkinson a snooty Slytherin said with her nose stuck high in the air. 

"Oh look, a rude witch on the team who thinks she['s better than the rest of us. Sucks to be a Slytherin," I shot back and she gasped. 

"You heard me right. Now go back to the witch lab where you came from," I snapped and she strutted off. 

Everyone on the field was gawking at me. 

That's right- the nerd of the nerds just roasted a girl so bad she needs a lot of ice. 

The rest of the team huddled and discussed who they were going to let in. 

They divided in 5 minutes and came to us. "We decided to give the spot to..." Wood began. 

"Elle Weasely!" They said at the same time and I grinned. 

"Thanks," I said. 


Gameday: Gryffyndors vs. Slytherins

"Gameday! How do you feel?" Katie asked me. We were walking to the field together for my first quidditch game. "Pumped," I tell her. I had a good sleep and finished all my assignments. 

"You let her in your team?" Pansy said with a shriek once both teams were across from each other on the field. 

"Yeah, she's great," Wood replied with an eye roll. "I doubt it," Pansy sneered. "I bet the only way she got in was because of her brothers," she added and Draco dropped his broom. 

"Oh, shut it, Pansy. I don't think you want me telling them all the bribing you did to Marcus to get in the Slytherin team now would you?" he spat and I looked at him with respect in my eyes. 

"Thanks," I mumbled to him. "Hey," he said stopping me before I could go. "Good luck," he stated and I smiled at him. "Thanks, you too," I said quickly before getting caught talking to our rivals. 


"And Elle Weasely brought in another 50 points for Gryddyndfor!" Lee Jordan, the announcer reported. "And y'all said she was bad," he added which made me smirk. Harry and Draco were looking for the snitch so I still had my work cut out for me. I dodged more bludgers and threw more quaffles in the hoops with the highest points. We were in the lead by 100 points which was great but I still pushed harder to prove my worth. 

Pansy was a beater and kept trying to knock me out with the bludgers. "Aim for someone else blimey!" Fred said coming to my rescue again. "Yeah," I called out but managed to throw a quaffle in a hoop for 10 points. Other students cheered as Lee reported and I smiled. Even though it was just 10 points, I still felt like that was pretty good. 

At the end of the game, Harry caught the snitch but even if Draco caught it, we would still win. We were just that far ahead. 

"Great job guys. Especially you, Elle," Wood congratulated us and I smiled as everyone cheered for me. "It was a team effort and thanks for saving me from Pansy's evil," I replied. 

"Hey Elle, can I talk to you?" Draco said. "If you hurt her-" George said but I gave him a look. "Of course, you guys can leave without me," I tell them and after a few minutes, they left forcefully. 

"What's up?" I ask him. 

"Wanna teach me how you fly like that?" he answers. 

"I don't know how to teach you..." I said never thinking about it. "It's fine if you don't want to. I was just coming up with an excuse so we could talk more," he said with a blush and I smiled at him. "You don't need one, just come up to me," I inform him and leave to go to the common room. 


"You said to just come up to you so... here I am," Draco said getting my attention. I was talking to Ron and Hermione and Draco just showed up. "Ok, you got my attention," I said with a laugh. 

"Want to go out with me?" he asks and Ron choked on his butterbeer. 

We were on our trip to Hogsmeade. 

"Yeah, we can go now," I said gratefully because Ron and Hermione were on the verge of arguing and Harry was with Wood getting some quidditch lessons. 

"No, you can't!" Ron said once Hermione helped him. "Too bad," I said and left with Draco in a rush. 

"Wait till dad hears about this!" Ron shouted but I just shrugged. 


Did you see what I did in the last sentence!


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