mudbloods can't be-

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This one gets a little... interesting.

House- Gryffindor

Year- 6


"Miley! Miley, we need to talk!" Hermione, my younger sister who's in her 4th year runs up to me. "Woah, calm down!" I said with a chuckle. I look at Fred and George who are busy in conversation with Lee Jordan so I just shrug and let her lead me to her dormitory.

She looks around with a scared look in her eyes and locks the door with a spell.

"I- I don't know what's going on," she whispers and shows me her bare arm.

I gasp.

It was a death eaters mark.

"Hermione!" I said, trembling. "Check to see if you have one," she whispers and I do.

We both gasp, looking at each other's marks.

"Hermione," I repeat, stuttering.

"What- what's going on?" I ask her. "How come I didn't realize until now," I ask her trying to keep my voice steady.

As the oldest, I have to be strong- not just for me but for her too.

"I just saw it when I was in the bathroom and it just appeared with no- no pain," she trembled.

We heard a knock on the door.

"Oi, are you ready for the feast, Miles?" Fred asked.

"In a min-minute," I said, trying my hardest not to breakdown.

What does this mean? We're muggle-borns, we can't be death eaters. It makes no sense. Hermione read my mind.

"Do you think we might be... purebloods?" she whispered. "I don't know. Mum and dad surely would have told us," I respond.

"Can you do a spell on me so I don't break down in tears," I tremble.

She nods and mutters a spell on both of us.

"It'll be gone by the time we come back," she informs me as I unlock the locking spell she put on the door.


We entered the Great Hall and the spell Hermione put on me worked pretty well. The sight of happy faces made me numb so I couldn't even tell why I had felt so scared and nervous.

Dumbledore began his speech once everyone settled down.

"There have been some... rather shocking things going on at Hogwarts," he began and everyone nodded. Hermione and I nodded as well.

"Some interesting things have happened as well," he continued and I swear his eyes flickered over to me and Hermione. We exchanged glances at each other- not sure what interesting things that have happened to us.

The spell was working good.

"If you have any questions about them come up to my office," he said, and with the flick of his wand the empty plates filled with delicious foods.

I wasn't in the mood to eat for some reason but filled my plate with a few items.

"So, want to hear the plans George and I came up with?" Fred asked me with some croissants in his mouth. He sounded muffled but I was friends with the twins for a long time now and knew what he was saying.

"Go ahead," I shrugged and nibbled on a croissant I stole from Fred's plate. The plate full of croissants was taken from a Ravenclaw a few seconds ago and I didn't feel like getting up so I did the next thing I thought of.

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